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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 496

Colt POV

“We can do that. One suite per side of the building.” Carson was counting the men that will be in our group.

“Where am I going to be?” Alec’s voice came up behind me.

Standing up, I looked at him with a blank expression. “You don’t have to do this.”

“You are my brother. I’m going. Don’t argue and tell me where you need me.” He held his hand out for me. Looking at it for a second, my hand wrapped around his and he pulled me into a half hug. “Forever.”

“Thanks, man.”

“You will be helping with the train takedown.” Carson trailed off as he looked for Hank.

“I think we actually have it handled.” Hank walked up behind Carson as we started talking. “I have my gamma with me and he is beyond capable. Alec would be more useful at the Casino getting Penny back. He knows his men and I’m not expecting too any issues with the train anyway.”

“Are you sure? I am willing to do whatever you guys need me to.” Alec looked concern at this.

“Positive. We are going to derail the train so it will be pretty easy to tackle that. The most important thing is we have the gun power. If you have any high range or machine guns, I would take those. That will be helpful in taking down any of those mutants.”

“We have that. Alec, show him the armory and let him pick out what he needs.” I nodded at his plan. It sounded like it would be easy enough. However, nothing about this was going to be easy.

“You know, we have all these plans but we haven’t discussed what we are going to do about him actually making these mutants. We need to find his lab and level it.” Why this just dawned on me was a shock. How did no one else think of this?

“I’m hoping it will be discovered when we raid all these buildings.” Carson sighed. “This is our own lead and truthfully, we don’t have any proof what we are looking for is even here. We could do all this and find nothing.”


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