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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 497

We have been on the road for a few hours now. Alec was driving our SUV but there wasn’t very many men in this one. This one had all the medical supplies that Penny might need. There was items for the babies but I was praying hard that we wouldn’t need them. There was only one person that was going to be directly behind me that wasn’t from Alec, mine or Carson’s pack. He was actually from Lars’s pack and he was a trained doctor. His fighting still were still top notch but if Penny or anyone needed medical, he would be here for it.

With the risk of Penny or the babies needing medical attention, I was not someone that should be driving. So, I got to sit in the passenger seat and shift constantly with anxiety. More than once, Alec swatted my hand as it was tapping on the center consol. My wolf was ready.

Since this was so high profile and we had no way of knowing what kind of security they will have, we were going to be parking a ways away and walk in. However, there was an hour difference between when we were schedule to arrive and when the last of the team was in position.

Jace was going to be control of the command center. If we needed immediate extraction, he was the man for the job. If Grand Theft Auto was real, he would be the main character. So, as we pulled up to our base, it was good to see him telling people what do it and where to go.

On top of the hill was a little breezy but it had a great visual to the railroad tracks and even a few of the building in the distance. A few group of men took off running in different directions as I walked up to Jace.

“We are on schedule. Here is your ear piece and a few other fun items.” Jace pushed a bottle of chloroform, a rag and few grenades.


Jace did a double take. I was no longer in control. My wolf forced his way in and there was no stopping him. He needed this and as much as I wanted to be the one to do it, he was the man for the job. Nothing will keep him from getting his mate.

“Ready?” Alec asked from behind me.

“Let’s go.” Alec did a double take as well but didn’t seem surprised. He actually seemed pleased as he followed behind me as I passed him.

“Let’s head out!” Alec commanded. I didn’t bother to turn around and look behind me. I knew they would be falling into line.

As we got into the trees, an eerie quiet fell around me. The sun was fading behind the trees but the usual nighttime animals were not making their usual sounds. Every sense my wolf had was in tune to what was going on around us. There wasn’t an danger in front of us, we were the danger.

The animals sensed us and realized the danger we brought with us. The realization made me smirk. With each step, my mouth watered, my adrenaline fueled my heart. They were going to die tonight.

Our footsteps barely made any sounds so when I heard a finger snap behind me, my body instantly froze. It was like watching a movie through my own eyes as my wolf turned my head to look at who it was.


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