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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 511

“I’m what?”

“With me. Kristen’s orders. You can argue with her.”

Alec rolled his eyes and folded his arms. “Wouldn’t do me any good. Funny how she didn’t tell me that when I was on the phone with her.”

“She isn’t stupid.” That brought a little smile to my face. Knowing my sister was giving Alec hell still was something that made me proud for some reason.

“No. She is a lot of things but stupid isn’t one of them.”

We fell into a semi comfortable silence as we watched evidence get brought out. “A-alpha?” A warrior looked uncomfortable at a crate he was carrying.


“Um…” He didn’t want to say what it was so instead, he walked up to me to show me. Inside, there was multiple bags of blood with Penny’s name on them. This was all the blood they had taken but hadn’t used yet.

My first thought was to save it so we could give it back to her but it wasn’t kept cold and couldn’t be any good. “Leave it here.”

The warrior put the crate on the ground and walked away. “What are you going to do with it?” Alec asked.

“Trying to decide how to dispose of it.” Keeping the anger from rising was harder said than done.

“You can just dump it out.” Alec suggested.

“That just seems….” I wasn’t sure how to describe it. Wasteful wasn’t the right word. Putting her blood in the dirt seemed dirty and almost disrespectful. I couldn’t risk just putting it in the center and hoping it is destroyed in the fire. We couldn’t bury the bags in case they were ever found and something was done with the blood.

“We can spill the blood on the front doors then put the gas on top of it. That way it’s like she is burning down the building.”

“What gas?” We had some lighter fluid but nothing like what he was describing.


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