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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 512

My little girl was laying in a small crib with different tubes and wire coming out of her. She was breathing on her own but there was an oxygen mask on her face. It was so tiny, like the size of my hand. A little blanket was laid acrossed her.

I was vaguely aware of the doctor behind me as I reached down and touched her little hand. Her body instantly responded to my touch. Her arms and legs started moving around and even her eyes blinked open to look at me. My emotions were caught in my throat as I looked at her. It felt like a ball was keeping me from saying anything. Nothing would come out but I felt complete joy looking at her.

“I wondered if she would wake up to your touch. Already a daddy’s girl.” The doctor laughed to himself.

After clearing my throat, I finally find my voice. “When can she go home?”

“That depends on her. Once I see her stats improving and she drinks an ounce of milk, she can go home.”

“When is she due to eat?” I hated that I didn’t know my own daughter’s schedule.

“Actually, if you can get her to eat, that would be great. Let me get the nurse in here to get her ready for you to hold her and bring a bottle.” The doctor looked at me for permission. After I nodded, he walked out of the room.

“Hear that? Daddy get’s to feed you.” As soon as the word daddy was out of my mouth, there was this warm that spread over my body.

“Colt?” Penny’s voice entered my head from the mind-link.

“Hey. I just got here and came straight to Elaina’s room.” I felt a little guilty for not talking to Penny sooner.

“Okay, we will be right there.” Penny didn’t cut the link but pushed it to the side.

“Hello, Alpha. I understand you are going to feed Miss. Elaina?” The nurse walked in and immediately put hand sanitizer on her hands.


“Perfect. If would actually be helpful if you would like to grab a pillow and sit down on the chair. You’re not wearing a shirt so that is perfect. Skin to skin is extremely important for bonding.”

It wasn’t my place to argue with her on this. She knew what my daughter needed better than I did right now so I did as she asked. I wasn’t sure what she was doing to Elaina but I didn’t have to wait long.

Sitting in the chair with the pillow under my arm, the nurse brought over my daughter. She was tightly wrapped in a blanket and was fussing. Her little cries broke my heart. As soon as the nurse put her in my arms, Elaina stopped crying and started cooing.

“She is going to have you wrapped around her finger.” The nurse laughed at the sight. The door opened and Penny walked in, carrying two other babies. “Hello, Alpha Penny! We were going to see if Alpha Colt would be able to feed Elaina.” She walked over and grabbed a little bottle and brought it back to me.


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