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The Alpha’s Obsession with his Ex-Contract Luna by Glorious Eagle novel Chapter 126

Chapter 126 

Earlier at the Dark Moon pack, the weather was fair, so Alpha Nick, Sheridan, Dustin, and Goldie arrived at training

It was livelier than before due to Sheridan and Goldie’s presence, and everyone perceived something new

Sheridan was known as the queen of innovation, making something out of nothing, like turning their weak warriors into strong ones

No one knew Goldie, though she had frequented the pack in the past, limiting herself to the kitchen where she was received by Sheridan

Things were different now, and she was exposed to all other parts of the pack. It was a happy moment for all warriors and trainees

Alpha Nick and Beta Dustin decided to take charge of the male warriors, then Sheridan and Goldie the female

This was the first time they were trained by sexes, but the men could not help envying the women being trained by their Luna and Beta’s mate

It looked so attractive the way they were being trained, unlike Alpha Nick’s hard training

Sheridan’s training approach was different, but she was very tough, except that no one ever saw her train with Alpha Nick before, so one of the warriors mentioned

Alpha, when will you train with our Luna?” 

Alpha Nick stared at Sheridan, and their eyes met. He was lost for words, but Sheridan answered on his behalf

Tomorrow. Today is already scheduled.” 

Alpha Nick smiled, anxious to train with her for the first time. He missed the opportunity before, but now, he was going to take advantage of every moment with her

What the warriors could not say was their hope for the opportunity to equally train with their Luna

The female side was filled with fun activities during their short water break, where Goldie would pick the bottle and throw it in the 


One could only drink if they caught the water in the air but could not pick directly from the ice chest

It filled the air with so much laughter, whereas the men’s side was boring. Alpha Nick went to Sheridan for a swap when a mindlink burst through his mind

Alpha, I saw some people, but they disappeared.” 

Alpha Nick frowned a little, annoyed that Charlotte chose a fun moment like this to strike. Ring the war bells

Now, instead of going for the swap, he went with a message. Sherry, I think they are here. The warriors at the gate. said they saw people, but they soon disappeared.” 

Only the warriors of the magic pack moved without being seen. Even their packs were hidden from the physical eyes

Due to their curse, a lot of people forgot about their existence, and had Tom not given the information, Alpha Nick would not have equally thought in that direction

Most probably, they are just hiding with magic,Sheridan said after careful thought, wondering how she was going to battle with a group of people she could not see with her eyes

Athena already prepared them for the journey ahead, and it was now time to make her proud. He asked Alpha Nick How can our warriors fight invisible forces?” 

Before Alpha Nick could answer, she took the words from his mouth and also added her suggestion

It’s simple. They don’t have to, I guess they can’t be seen because of the charcoal. I will go and meet them” 

She was about to leave when Alpha Nick grabbed her by the arm. He would be damned if anything bad happened to her

The agreement was for us to go together.” 

The war bells soon rang, and everyone was looking up curiously at their Alpha and Lama

Should we go?the head warrior asked, ready to lead his team, except he had no idea that they were going to contend with invisible forces

Alpha Nick refused. This war was going to be different from any other one they ever fought in their lives

No. You take instructions from Beta Dustin and Goldie. We shall take care of the gate of the pack.” 

Then he turned to Dustin and spoke seriously. Dustin, just in case they accidentally enter, the reinforcement should be stronger.” 

Yes, Alpha,Dustin responded, remembering the plans they made before and began directing the warriors on what to 

  1. do

Let’s spread around the borders but don’t make a move until you hear from me.” Goldie was not yet privy to mindlink, for which reason Dustin could not let her out of his sight, lest they lose communication

It was the same for Alpha Nick and Sheridan. The warriors had already taken action and were spreading out around the borders

Alpha Nick and Sheridan went out of the pack gate and locked it. Sheridan picked a few crusts of the charcoal. Standing on it, she began to call out

Charlotte, your tricks are disappointing. Reveal yourself.Why can’t anything?Charlotte’s voice was heard, but her body was not seen

anyone see us, and why are we not able to touch 

Sheridan smirked. It seems Charlotte’s curse affected her whole team. It must be because of your cursed wolf. Come 

and stand in front of me.” 

Charlotte was enraged when she realized she was standing on charcoal and moved away from it. 

As soon as she did, she became visible, including the warriors of the magle pack. There were so many equating to thousands

of them 

Some of them were already trying to enter the pack, but the reinforcement was great. Charlotte’s curse had affected them, so the moment Charlotte moved away from their side, they were able to appear

Sheridan worried in case their defenses broke and said to Charlotte. Tell them to hold on. This is because of you and 


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