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The Alpha’s Obsession with his Ex-Contract Luna by Glorious Eagle novel Chapter 130

Chapter 130 

They suddenly disappeared, so what does that mean?Goldie asked again, as she had not received an answer to her previous question

Alpha Nick and Sheridan were completely absorbed in each other, seeming as if they did not want to give anyone attention but themselves

Miraculously, Alpha Nick gave his attention after stealing a few kisses from Sheridan. His excitement stemmed from the fact that he was finally going to be reunited with his little bundle of joy

They have been defeated, and I don’t think Charlotte can survive that injury. Let’s go and celebrate. I have a very important announcement to make.” 

Beta Dustin’s hand wrapped around Goldie’s as they joined the celebration with the pack members

Athena was coming out of the safe house with the children and elderly she had kept safe during the war since she could not fight

Tedmond was by her side, a smile blooming on their faces at the sound of the victory chants. The Dark Moon pack was exceptionally noisy that day, but that was the exact excitement they all needed

The victory sounds of the pack members deafened everyone, so only when they got close to where Sheridan stood could her voice be heard

I see you won,” Athena said proudly to Sheridan 

Yes, ma’am. Thank you very much.Sherian hugged Athena lovingly, grateful for the elderly woman’s help in preparing for the war as Alpha Nick said to no one in particular

Now I have to call Ansaldo to inform him to have his coronation sooner. Ours can be done a week after. Dustin, please get the pack members together. I want to address them before we clean the pack.” 

Athena and Sheridan were amazed to see him so excited, and Alpha Nick ran up the stairs to get his and Sheridan’s phones, shocked by the number of missed calls

He redialed Alpha Ansaldo as he descended the stairs. Ansaldo, I missed your calls.” 

A sigh of relief could be heard at the end of the line as Alpha Ansaldo responded through the Bluetooth connected to his dashboard

It was the speaker one, so Bree could hear everything clearly

Nick, finally

We were

on our way to your pack when we heard about the war.” 

Alpha Nick was touched that help would have found them if things had gotten worse

It was good to have more friends than enemies, but family was even better

No need. It’s over, and we won. You can have your coronation in a week. We shall have ours the week after,Alpha Nick spoke with a strange excitement neither Alpha Ansaldo nor Bree had ever heard before

Bree was greatly relieved to hear this as Alpha Ansaldo responded

Wonderful news. Your sister was dying from worry.” 

Not surprised, Alpha Nick responded. Well, I would have done the same.” 

Since everything was fine, Alpha Ansaldo began to turn the car around. I will make a Uturn then see you soon

Chapter 130U 

On the other side of the line, Alpha Nick’s arms were tightly wrapped around Sheridan, seeming as if she was going to 

run away

He addressed the pack members beaming with extraordinary excitement. Congratulations for winning the war against invisible forces.” 

The pack members roared, cheering victoriously as he added, Now, for the surprise I told you about, you shall all be informed about it tomorrow.” 

Ohhhhh,the cheers turned to disappointment as their faces fell

We want to know it now,the courageous warriors kept chanting among themselves, with the rest of the pack members joining in

Alpha Nick waved his hand for them to calm down before he explained it to them

Well, tomorrow is not far, and I intend to take my sweet time in letting you know. For now, we work together. We can finish cleaning the pack in an hour. Not much damage has been done.” 

The pack members ran in opposite directions, retrieving their cleaning materials from where they had kept them before the gathering

In less than an hour, the pack was spotlessly cleaned, and all the charcoal removed to restore the pack to its former glory. After Alpha Nick showered and had dinner, he said to Sheridan

We have to go and bring back Daisy. We should be back before the pack wakes up.” 

It was late, but Alpha Nick saw it as the best time to make the trip. That way, they would return in the morning. Are we going alone?” 

Sheridan wished for Goldie to come along, and as if reading her mind, Alpha Nick comforted her


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