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The Alpha’s Obsession with his Ex-Contract Luna by Glorious Eagle novel Chapter 165

Chapter 165 

Ansaldo,Alpha Nick said, stunned, while Sheridan exclaimed, Bree?” 

Surprised to see each other, the couple hugged in turn. Pulling away, Ansaldo realized, Then it means you are the owners of this resort.” 

How did you know?Alpha Nick asked, leading them to their rockcarved table

When I was making arrangements for myself and Bree, I was told this place was under new management and had undergone renovation. They also said it wasn’t open to everyone at the moment, except those whose names were on the list.” 

I never knew how our names got on the list, but seeing you here, I figured that after you purchased it, you included your family membersnames 

on the list.” 

Nick smiled in admiration. Having smart people around made life easier for everyone. That is very smart of you, Ansaldo, saving me the stress of having to explain it all over again.” 

It’s so beautiful here,” Bree said, interrupting the men’s conversation. Sherry, I hope you aren’t leaving soon.” 

Sheridan did not feel like leaving yet. Nick said we are staying for two weeks.” 

That is perfect because we also booked two weeks,Bree said excitedly

The couple caught up on old times, partook in activities such as hiking, horse riding, tennis, and other interesting activities

When the two weeks were over, they drove in different directions, returning to their packs

Alpha Nick and Luna Sheridan were wellmissed by their pack members and were given an amazing welcome

The next day, Daisy knocked on her parentsdoor early in the morning, wanting to have a discussion with them before going for training

It took a while for her to get a response from her romantically busy parents, but Alpha Nick’s sleepy voice soon came through

Come in.” 

Daisy entered and went to embrace her mother on the bed, then her father. Mom, dad, I want to leave the pack for a while.” She dropped the bomb after pulling away from the hug

The smile on the faces of both Sheridan and Nick froze. You want to leave? Why?Sheridan asked worriedly. Daisy smiled and replied

I want to go search for my mate.” 

Her parentshearts thumped, knowing this was going to be the most difficult moment of Daisy’s life because she wouldn’t recognize the bond, and neither would her mate

Daisy, there is something we kept from you since you were young.” 

I think I’m old enough to learn about it now,” Daisy replied with interest

She had already worked out a plan on how to get to the Crescent Moon Pack to see Alpha Calhoun, but afraid her parents might discourage her or use their authority, she kept it from them

Yes, you are old enough,Sheridan sighed. When you were little, you used your powers to blind a witch, and she cursed you to not recognize your 


Daisy smiled, but it was far from reaching her eyes. You mean that even if my mate were in this pack, I won’t recognize him?” 

She feared if her mate was in her pack and Alpha Calhoun wasn’t him

Yes. If you don’t mind, we could invite all the eligible bachelors from other packsAlpha Nick was saying, but Daisy refused and cut in

No. I know that everybody loves me here, but what if you weren’t my parents? Whoever would love me for who I am and not for wealth or power would be my mate, bond or no bond,” Daisy declared

This was her reason for wanting to go on this journey, and her parents knew she was right. Sheridan was the Alpha King’s only daughter, and Alpha Nick was the most feared Alpha

Who would not want to mark Daisy, even if they weren’t her mate

But how would you keep safe when you can’t be close to water)” 


thing that stood in the way

I am old enough. Stop seeing me like a kid,” Daisy responded seriously. Nick forced a smile. Daisy had really grown under their watchful eyes

Not matter how painful it was for them, they had to set her free

You have our blessing, and just update us on how it goes. We can have some warriors accompany you.” 

Daisy shook her head again. She wanted to experience all that she couldn’t have in her pack, even if it included living in poverty

That would be the only way to appreciate what she had. That is the problem. I don’t want anyone to accompany me, and I don’t want you to be in touch with me during this period.” 

DaisyNick could not agree this time, but Daisy cut in again

Please, Dad, allow me to do this on my own. I appreciate that you always guided me and made me who I am, but now, I need to do things on my 


Nick no longer saw that little girl but a young, resilient woman. Alright. You have our blessing, but please come back to us, no matter the outcome.” 

Thank you. I will leave tomorrow.” 

Daisy’s leaving the next day was the saddest day in the pack. She had become a pillar of love, joy, and laughter to everyone. It was even harder on Athena, but everyone understood that she had a point


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