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The Alpha’s Obsession with his Ex-Contract Luna by Glorious Eagle novel Chapter 89

Chapter 89 

Alpha Nick saved the video in his archives for later, then responded to the message. No, don’t tell anyone and don’t stone them to death. I will take care of it

Eight months later 

It’s a girl,” the doctor announced

In the delivery ward of a private hospital in New York City, Sheridan was tired but a smile bloomed on her face. For nine months, she stayed away from her family

It wasn’t the first time, but this time was the most difficult as she was pregnant. Her nanny was a middleaged woman who kept her company all through. Throughout this time, Sheridan kept herself hidden, lest someone saw her pregnant and informed Alpha Nick, having no idea that he already knew

She stayed indoors. Her business ideas stuck in her computer. Aside from exercising in her private gym and jotting down more business plans and her baby’s future, she never did anything else except reading and sleeping- 

It was boring, but to her, it was worth it, due to how much space Alpha Nick still had in her life. Distance was not able to make her forget him when his fetus was growing in her womb

Sometimes she wondered if Charlotte became Luna of the Dark Moon Pack or if Alpha Nick was still searching for her like he did Charlotte

The baby was placed on her ch*st as she caressed her back. She had already decided on a name when the scan showed a baby girl

Daisy Warner.” 

Sheridan wanted to inform her parents and brother, but a certain someone would be there to cause trouble. However, as Sheridan took a closer look at her newborn baby girl, she wanted to cry but tears failed her due to the love she had for the cute little creature

After taking a long break away from her pack and work, tending to the needs of her pregnancy, keeping healthy to have a healthy baby, the girl had no features resembling her. She had dark hair and dark eyes with thin lips just like Alpha Nick

It was as if the moon goddess wanted to torture her with Alpha Nick’s presence. Daisy was à pretty female version of her father

Sheridan’s heart sank. Her mistake was loving a man who did not love her, but why would life be so unfair to her? With this striking resemblance, how on earth was she supposed to return to her pack

Anyone who saw Daisy would instantly connect the dots. A tear fell from her eyes was taken away for other tests as she herself was attended to

when Daisy 

Chapter 89 



Sherry, you have to cat now.” Her nanny, Margaret, offered. Sheridan accepted the food, but every bite felt like a bitter pill

I’ve had enough.” 

No. You should eat more,” the housekeeper encouraged her. Sheridan shook her head. I’m serious. I’ve had enough.” 

If you don’t eat well, your breast milk won’t come in. What you eat can affect its quality,” the nanny pointed out

Sheridan forced herself to eat some more, but that was all her b*dy could take before she gave in to sleep. A few hours later, she was awakened by the cry of her baby. The midwife had brought her to feed

Try to breastfeed.” 

With the help of the midwife, she tried to breastfeed Daisy, but the girl refused to latch on. Not even after all the tricks she was taught, including stroking her nipples slightly above her nose for her to open her mouth

Why won’t she open her mouth?Sheridan asked, worried. Daisy was bawling, but as soon as the nipple got close, her mouth was tightly shut

That’s weird. Let’s try the bottle,the midwife suggested, offering her a breast pump. The breast pump was connected, and the breast milk pumped into a bottle, but once again, Daisy refused it

Let’s try formula,the midwife suggested as it would be a problem if the baby did not feed

When given formula, the girl emptied the bottle. Sheridan was frustrated. She did nothing wrong but felt as if she was being punished

A few days later, her breast was engorged. Daisy had refused her mother’s breast milk, and Sheridan ended up pumping it all away. After two weeks of pumping, she allowed her breast milk to dry up, but after a month, Daisy refused even the formula, so Sheridan returned to the hospital

We did some tests and found some rare antigens in your baby’s blood. We want to keep her for further observation.” 

Sheridan guessed that this problem needed to be resolved by a pack doctor and not the human ones. So, she politely declined

Knowing a few of her kind in the human reasonable explanation

orld, she located one of the doctors who gave

This might be genetic. You should ch*ck with your parents or your child’s father. You know how unique each of our kind could be.” 

09:52 Mon, 22 Apr. 

Chapter 89 

Sheridan was depressed, not intending to return when Daisy was so young. What if I can’t return now?” 


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