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The Alpha’s Obsession with his Ex-Contract Luna by Glorious Eagle novel Chapter 94

Chapter 94 

Let’s start over. Not with a contract or marriage. Let it be from dating. Things should develop naturally without force, but Daisy has to stay here,Sheridan spoke her mind. Alpha Nick agreed to a fresh start for both of them but not without their daughter

I’m not leaving without our daughter. Not after you kept her away from me.His eyes were red with determination. He just could not accept it. There was something called bonding moments. He already missed a greater part of it, and this was the time to make up for it

The whole reason why Sheridan brought him over here was because of this. If it were just about the two of them, then that could have been taken care of at the airport

I met someone in New York. He told me to pass a message to you, and it concerns. Charlotte.” 

Alpha Nick was uneasy, but his murder instincts were instantly activated. What’s his name?He solemnly asked. Sheridan pursed her lips, regretting not doing a little ch*ck on the man, but her daughter’s safety was of greater concern to her

I don’t know. I was more concerned about protecting Daisy. He said that I should tell you to release Charlotte, or he would hurt Daisy. With Charlotte in your pack, Daisy is safer here until we get to the bottom of it.” 

Alpha Nick wanted to believe everything she was saying, but what if it was just a ploy to get him out of the pack again before she disappears with their daughter? The last time he saw her, things seemed to be picking up between them when she suddenly disappeared after sending rogues to attack his pack


He just could not be angry because none of his pack members lost their lives. How I trust you again, Sheila? You tricked me before,he pointed out, but he was not cold. towards her


Guilt laced Sheridan’s voice heavily as she lowered her head. I’m sorry, but it won’t happen again. It was no use anyway. Look at Daisy. It’s so cruel that she looks so much like you

She never even breastfed. Also, it’s past her eating time, but she hasn’t made a fuss. Nick, it wasn’t long before my planned return anyway.” 

Alpha Nick recalled Goldie’s/words that Sheila promised to return a few months after the child was born, which was in line with what she just said. If she was going to give him a second chance, then it was just worthwhile that he also took the risk to trust her again


Chapter 94 

Because of all the people here, I will trust you one last time,he said seriously. Sheridan released a relieved sigh. She did not expect him to trust her so easily, but then, it was understandable because he said that he loved her

Daisy was already sleeping, so Alpha Nick k*ssed her on the forehead and handed her over to the queen. Her eyes were filled with tears. It’s true. She looks just like you.The queen could not hold back her emotions

She was itching to hold her granddaughter, but due to everything going on, she had to be patient. It was clear that little Daisy was going to be spoiled not only by her father but also by her seven uncles, aunt, and grandparents

Alpha Nick stretched his hand towards Sheridan. Let’s go.” 

Sheridan was reluctant, not willing to leave without spending some time with her parents. The next time she returns, it might be for Daisy, and she would still not get to spend time with them

Please, just give me a day. I will come. I promise. I don’t believe that you came to the airport because of me.” 

Alpha Nick instantly recalled the visiting Alphas. He had completely forgotten about them, and it was not appropriate to not be there when he promised to personally pick them up from the airport

He already failed in that part. I have guests, but Dustin is capable of taking care of them. Let’s go,he insisted. Sheridan and her family were all emotional

Please, Alpha Nick. Sheridan has been away for a while. We miss her too. I promise to drive her to your pack tomorrow. I am also interested in knowing how things are faring with your pack,Arnold said gently, trying to buy his trust and not upset him

Sensing his reluctance, Atlas added his voice. We shall all escort her and spend the night, so you should make room for us since you already have guests. Like Arnold said, we have to ensure that you don’t treat her the same way as before.” 

In the presence of the Alpha King, Alpha Nick did not doubt that they would keep their word but issued a strong warning

If I don’t see her at my pack before sundown tomorrow, I will not mind going into war with you. And one last thing, while Daisy stays here for the time being, I want her last name changed to Thorax.” 

I agree,the Alpha King gave his word. Arnold added his voice. It won’t come to that

Chapter 94 

We will bring her to you.They understood the reason for Alpha Nick’s insecurities and thought to assure him

However, they were not going to release their only sister without ensuring that she was indeed welcomed to the Dark Moon Pack

Before Alpha Nick left, he said to Sheridan, we have to talk. In private.His voice was stern, leaving no room for argument

Sheridan swallowed tightly. I know a place.Alpha Nick guessed where and disagreed

I won’t go to that summer hut. Someb*dy might hear us. Can we talk in your room?He asked politely, his expression stern. No one could guess what was on his mind. After a little thought, Sheridan agreed


All attention was garnered on Daisy when Sheridan left with Alpha Nick. Everyone wanted to hold her, but the queen refused for anyone to disturb her sleep. They could play with her after she woke up from her peaceful sleep

As soon as Sheridan closed the door to her room, she was pressed against the wall, as Alpha Nick towered over her, his gaze dark with desire

Tell me the truth. Why did you run away?He knew she was hiding something and hadn’t forgotten how she tricked him

Sheridan’s breathing was erratic, consumed by his cologne scent. His closeness was driving her insane; it felt as though she was going to lose her mind. Her hands pressed against his chest, ready to push him away, but he caught it, lifting it above her head

No matter how tough she was, this was Alpha Nick she was dealing with. I will tell if you tell me why you are still keeping Charlotte in your pack. It’s been a year and some months. You should have let her go by now.” 


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