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The Alpha's Toy novel Chapter 5



I hope that teaches her a lesson and she doesn't return to the school tomorrow, I sighed as I headed back to the school hall, everywhere was so empty, I guessed the school closing Bell had called off already. I took my backpack and headed back home. "What have you been up to these last few days, Draven?" Daniel full brows moved upwards as he stared up at me through the chessboard next to him. "Nothing much " I eyed Daniel or rather Alpha Dan, he's my dad but I vowed to myself never to call him that ever again after how he destroyed my entire childhood. "You wanna go for a run?" he asked and I shook my head. "I already have plans with the boys?" I replied and walked out running into the woods as I transformed into my wolf form, I ran towards Emerald house. I stared at Emerald and Kathy from the woods as they sat beside the large tree trunk on a blanket on the grass, none of them saw me because I still stayed far away still in my wolf form and if I was to transform back to human, I would totally naked and if I got any closer Kathy would obviously perceive my scent. My wolf form was really big unlike other wolves here at Mexico, it had a unique fur colour combination of white, black and a spray of brown too, mum had the same colour of her wolf form and inherited the multiple colour from her. "He's sick" I heard Emerald scream from where she was sitting with Katty. "He really didn't think I would give into him, did he?" "Like I said before, Draven King isn't one who should be messed with" Kathy sighed. A little rush of triumph glowed in my tummy, it was good to hear that someone was giving a good and dear advice to Emerald. "Well, Emerald David isn't someone to be messed with too" Emerald glared at Kathy and I frowned my brows. " I know his game and I too can play" she added. I turned and strolled back into the woods. "Lett the game begin, Emerald, let's see how long you can last" I took off in my pace running speedily.

The Next Day

At school.


Kathy and I walked together after picking up the books for the day in the locker room, we strolled to class our heads facing up right. The insults by the other students didn't died of, it continued but we were above them or rather we decided not to pay any attention to whatever name they called us. We decided to pretend that they were all rat in diapers and that's exactly what we did. After what happened yesterday with Draven, I couldn't stand to see me again, not because I was scared of him but because I was scared of what my body may do to me, how it might betray me and actually long for him, long for his touches. I didn't have any control over my body as long as Draven King was involved. "Em!!" Katty screams in my face as I snapped back to reality. "Huh? What? " I stared back at her. "You dozed off" "sorry, my mind got ocupied for a while" I sighed and the crowd started making cheering noises, Katty grabbed my arms and held it tight, obviously the only people that could make the entire school this noisy was the four royals of K.B.S. "Katty let's just pretend they don't exist" I whispered to her and she took a deep breath. Draven, Cole, Roman and James strided along the hallway. James had his headset above his head, Roman kept on flipping a ball with his index finger and Cole had his entire concentration on his phone but then Draven's eyes kept searching through the hall as he walked, he couldn't be searching for me, could he? I shrunk into the crowd but I was too late because his eyes were already on me, a smirk appeared on his lips as if to say "bulls eyes". Then, he walked towards me, everyone stared in amusement, I held Kathy's hand tightly and turned to leave pretending I didn't know him but his strong hands drew me back till I was facing him.

He leaned closer to my ears, "meet me in the parking lot after school" I stared at him in shock, "I'm busy " I glared, if he thinks I'll give in to him just because of yesterday then he's delusional. "Be there!" He's black heartless eyes became visible as he stood past me and his crew followed along all throwing glances at me. "Fuck you" I muttered to myself as Katty drew me out of the hall whereas people were still staring at me. That blondie girl from day one, her is Rose, she was standing in front of me and Kathy with her gang behind her. "Stay away from King" she ordered with muderous eyes. My jaws clinched in anger, "enough with this school drama, maybe you should tell your precious Draven King to stay the hell away from me" I hissed and burged her shoulders walking out furiously with Kathy. "Teacher's slut" she mumbled before leaving.


"What is the deal with Emerald David anyway?" James asked pulling his shirt off in the boys locker room as we prepared for the swimming class. "She is human" I replied not paying attention to him. "So? " he raised an eyebrow and I glared at him. "Stop asking King questions, James. We still need you alive" Cole pulled James shoulder and the entire swimming team laughed. "Because, humans aren't welcome to stay here". I furrowed my eyebrows at him before turning away with my towel on my neck. I headed for the pool and stood in line with other swimmers. I couldn't bring my mind off Emerald, not because I wanted to see her but because I wanted to destroy her in the easiest way I could. She was the reason for my mum's death, if only she didn't screw everything by showing up then my mum would have still been alive, it's true that all this happened while I was five years old and it has been 13 good years since I lost my mum during the luna of the pack but it still seems like it was a minute ago. Emerald's return to this town brought back all the memories I hid in for so long and to worsen things up, she doesn't even remember, she has forgotten everything about her childhood. Her parents presence in this town might be danger to both me and my pack and I won't let them hurt us, not again.


No one, Draven included will break me, my nightmares didn't and he certainly wouldn't. I just have to deal with him smartly, starting from avoiding him. Kathy and I already splitted up as she has a different class. A tremour shot down my spine as I approached the class, what if I see him again? What if I see those demon eyes? Son of a bitch! how the hell am I to survive an entire year with him in the same class? I tried faster as my head burged against a strong chest. "Are you looking for me, darling?"


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