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The Alpha's Toy novel Chapter 7




"If you take one more step I'll chase you darling" his voice trailed off suffocating like smoke "and this time, I won't stop" I swallowed hardly and stopped in my tracks, I knew Draven better than anyone else, he wasn't going to stop until he got what he wanted. "Ehy are you doing this, Draven?" I turned to him and bite my lips fearfully. "Why do you think I'm doing it?" He smirked. "Because you enjoy it?" "Take off your shirt " he commanded and my brows for furrowed in anger. "WHAT!" I glared at him. "If you don't I will, how many ripped shirts do you want to collect?" This guy is a lunatic, " you are crazy" " last chance princess take off your shirt" "no" I screamed at him, we stared at each other for one second. "Two.... Three..." moved closer to me, my skin shrunk in fear, it's real, I remember that look on the Dravens face, his last words sank into me 'I won't stop'. "Fine!!" I blurted out taking a hurried step backwards. " I will do it". He stopped following me and his face became calm and demanding, he stared at me monitoring my next move. I had no doubt that if I took one more step backwards he was going to chase me like a fucking starved wolf. "Do it for me" I smiled at him pushing my chest forward.

He stared at me as if he was taken by surprise, like I said before I was going to play him at his own game, Draven always gives two options and he definitely didn't expect me to give him a third. He narrowed his eyes "you are trying to play a game again". " I'm just giving you what you want". " Are you now?" his gaze turns black as stone. "Yes" I nodded. "You'll sure regret that". He approached me and reached for my ribbon. I placed my both palms on his stupid broad shoulders and dug my fingers into his uniform jacket, he paused after unbuttoning my first button and stared at me, I don't know if he likes me touching him or not, I really don't give fuck about what he or any other person thought. I lifted my knee and hit him on the dick, hard as hard as I could. He folded his face in pain and released me sharply, I ducked running past him. A huge smirk filled my face, I just hit Draven fucking king in his damn balls.


One Hour Later

Emerald had proclaimed war, and I wasn't going to go by the way she had imagined I'll take my revenge, no ,not at all. If there's anything I learnt from my dad, was don't let your enemy know your next move. I had something really big coming for her and she had no idea. I strolled into the class with Katty in my arms, I know everyone thinks I forced her into it but no, I didn't have to. Mrs storm stared at me with disapproval. "Mr king, you are late" her brows furrowed. "And you too, Kathy" "I had something to take care of" I smirked taking a soft glance at Emerald in her seat, she had her jaws dropped open. "please take your seat" "sure thing"


That insolent jerk, he walked through the space that divided the lockers with Kathy in his arms, his gaze met mine and I burned with anger at the thought of what he had done to Kathy to keep her completely under his control. He winked at me as he filled in the seat behind me and Kathy comes into my row and sat with me. And no, she doesn't look sad or like she was forced to do anything, she actually waved smiling at me, I should have known that Draven wouldn't do the obvious or try to rape me to get his revenge because he is smarter than that. He knows how much I care for Kathy and he's using her as a pawn to aggravate me, using my damn best friend. I was so furious that I almost forgot he is just at my back, he leaned forward and his scent was all over the place, stupid ideas popped into my head and my nipples hardened. These is more of the reason I hate Draven, he does things to my body, it's like he has a remote button that controls my emotions. I pushed him out of my mind and then bent over to Kathy. "What the hell happened over there?" I whispered and she smiled. "You wouldn't believe it if I told you, I had a hell out of fun" she said happily. My heart shrunk into my chest at the thought that my best friend has been brainwashed by the devil himself, Draven king! He had his filthy hands on my best friend's shoulders, "I am going to kill him, I'm going to sacrifice my entire future to save the world from his evil, even if it's the last thing I do" I promised myself. "Why were you with Draven ?" I furrowed my eyebrows at her. "I wasn't feeling too well so he had to take me to the nurse".

An invisible blockage covered my throat and I felt like I was suffocating, I was right he did something to her, I knew he was going to pay me back for kicking him but I didn't expect him to involve Kathy. We were surrounded by the four idiots like a fucking gang of a pack of wolves, although Draven doesn't say anything, I was pretty sure he was digging a hole in the back of my head and feasting on my brain. "That will be the end for today" Mrs Storm said as she wrapped her book and moved out of the class. My pen fell and rolled over. As I bent to pick it, I realized that someone had gotten it already, I stood there staring at Draven as he tossed the pen in between his middle finger playing with it. To hell with the pen!! I stormed out of the class happy that it was still crowded, the first rule will I learnt with Draven is to never get trapped alone with him in the same place. Few minutes, I found Kathy after searching for so long. "Kathy" I lurged forward to her "what did Draven do to you ?he didn't hurt you, did he?" I searched through her body for any bruise or hint that she was hit.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "why would he do that?" "You came in with him" "I told you before that I wasn't feeling well so he took me to the nurse's office". "He forced you, didn't he?" I folded my arms. "What the hell! Why why would he do that? He asked nicely" "Katty are you hearing yourself right now? Draven isn't friendly!" Oh no, the devil has found his way into Kathy's mind too. "Why are you so tensed?" she asked. "I'm sorry Kathy, it's just that Draven has never been friendly" "King has never been mean to me either, we go way back you know" her lips trembled. What the fuck did she mean by way back? I knew Kathy was neighbours with the four elites but I didn't think they were close back then, especially Draven! Wait a sec!!, was Kathy really friends with them before? "Cole just enjoy seeing me suffer but Draven is different" I stared at my bestfriend, something is definitely wrong with her maybe I didn't know my best friend as much as I thought I did .

*Hours Later.........*

Classes after classes occupied the rest of the day and the scariest thing about it was that the four elites surrounded us in every damn class, if another student sat next to us all they had to do was stand next to the table and the student will stand and crawl away, after what felt like hours of endless classes it was break time, Kathy was nowhere to be found ,I walked faster and almost fell flat on my ass as my head hit something hard. Ouch! Cole stood right at the entrance obstructing he, he didn't stare at me nor did he notice that someone bumped into him, he was just staring ahead with anger and clenched fist. I followed his gaze and my heartbeat stops, Kathy was crying on Draven's shoulders and he was rubbing her back.


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