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The Alpha's Toy novel Chapter 8




Cole stared at them, not quite sure if it was out of anger or jealousy or even both. He looks like he was to punch the living hell out of Draven. Kathy is so soaked in Draven's embrace that she doesn't even notice I was there, tears coiled in my eyes threatening to fall out. When Draven noticed my presence, he let go of Kathy and walked towards me. "Why are you doing this ?"I asked my eyes full of tears, he didn't say a word, he just drew me out of the hallway to the balcony where we are alone. "What the hell do you want from me?" I glared at him removing my hands from his. "Did you think you will get away with the little stunt you pulled earlier?" his voice was calm but intoxicating. " I....." I begin to say but was interrupted. "Draven?, we need to talk " Cole stood at the far end of the hall way. "Later Cole, I'm busy " he replied without even turning to him, his entire gaze was on my face. "Now King!" Cole's voices was angry and demanding and Draven stared up and soon released me. "This better be worth it Cole if not" He walked towards Cole's direction as I take my race, I knew better than to be in the same place as Cole and Draven.

An Hour Later

The bell goes and we all slid along to the sports class to get changed, Kathy didn't show up again after Draven dragged me out and I was hoping to see her in the female changing room, I changed over to my track suit which was really tight and I headed out to the sport Center where different student which where all with their tracksuits, I searched through the entire game arena for Draven. Kathy was nowhere to be found until my eyes meet his, Draven was staring hard at me, not actually at me I realised as I direct his gaze, my tracksuit pushes my breast forward as I try to stretch my body like in yoga, Draven's face is on my breasts, I gulped up and swallowed at the same time as I cross my arms over my breast covering them. Draven eyes slide back to mine, his gaze is full of lust, he stares at me with hunger and it was raw". I broke the eye contact first and hurried out of the training hall and into the girl's changing room, everyone has gone outside for practice so I was the only one remaining. I was all sweaty all over, I pulled off my clothes and entered the shower letting the water drops cleaned me.


"We found the girl" Troy my beta and adviser of the pack said coming in. "Really?" I dropped down the book I was reading and stared at him. He nodded, "it seems like they moved into town 3 months ago". "Where is she now?" Anger rose in my veins. "She is a student of Kings-bury Academy so she should probably be in school or on her way home". "You need to monitor her" I smiled as least I was one step in finding them. "Wait, did you say she studies at K.B.A?" I asked when I realized it was the school Draven attends. "Yes Alpha, isn't that the same school Draven is in?" "Something isn't right, is Draven hiding the fact that she's alive from me? Or is he protecting her?" "Although I would love to side with you" Troy ticks his bears, " but I think if there's anyone that should hate that girl more than anything it's Draven". " I hope you are right, do summon Draven and Stacy Rose, daughter of the council chief I need to speak to them both". "Yes alpha" he bowed and left. After my wife Amelia died, I had never been myself again, once a wolf loses his mate it's over for their love life but the good thing about our wolf breed is that your wolf chooses a mate for you according to your feelings, but you can either choose to agree or disagree, I knew Richard would be back to this town, we both lost things special to us because of our greed but the war has just began, and once again he was going to be the pawn in this game.


I let the water cleanse me but I try as hard as I can to avoid closing my eyes, the sensation that I would be dragged by demons came really strong . I wrapped a clean towel around my chest while stepping out of the shower, footsteps appear, coming closer, I froze as Draven stood in the middle of the gate and he locked the door behind him.


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