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The Billionaire Who Stole My Heart novel Chapter 809

Chapter 809 

The wedding reception was a pivotal event for them, and naturally, they wouldn’t make any hasty decisions. 

“Brittany, it’s been a tough road for you and Mr. Salter to get to this point. I just hope you two find happiness,” Kari said with genuine warmth. 

She had seen all the hardships Brittany had faced over the years. 

Brittany hugged Kari in return, “You too.” 

The wedding date was still up in the air. 

Isaac couldn’t wait and whisked Brittany off to attend the Salter family dinner. 

Daniel had been sent to the camp, and Grace felt a bit uneasy. 

Fortunately, Brittany had opened her heart, spending time with Grace playing chess and gardening, creating a harmonious atmosphere 

On the day of the family dinner. 

Marcel and his mother arrived. 

And with them was Manuel, who had spent five years behind bars. 

Manuel looked much older and thinner, a clear sign that his time inside hadn’t been easy. 

“Mom.” Manuel greeted. 

When Grace saw Manuel, there was no joyous reunion between mother and son. In fact, Grace seemed quite indifferent, busying herself with pruning her roses. 

Leda was embarrassed, about to speak up, but Marcel stopped her. 

Manuel’s face darkened. 

It took a while before Grace finally glanced at Manuel. “When did you get out?” 


Grace nodded slightly. “Well, now that you’re out, try to live a good life. Don’t get into trouble again.” 

Manuel’s face turned ashen. 

At the same time, the front door swung open. 

Two tall, imposing figures strolled in. 

The two men bore a resemblance to each other, yet the elder exuded a calm composure, 



Chapter 909 

while the younger one had an air of brashness. They were Isaac and Noel 

“Grandma.” Noel entered with a huge bouquet of tulips in hand, calling out, I’ve brought you those tulips you wanted last time!* 

Manuel’s eyes lit up at the sound of Noel’s voice. 


It was then that Noel noticed Manuel standing in the yard. The smile on his face froze and was quickly replaced by a look of disgust. “What are you doing here?” 

Manuel felt he owed his son and wanted to mend their relationship now that he was out. 

“Noel, I’m out, I..” 

“Who let you into the Salter Manor?” Noel interrupted. 

“I’m your father. I wanted to see you,” Manuel said awkwardly, wringing his hands. 

While in prison, he had thought it through. His relationship with Isaac was beyond repair, but he still cared about Noel. 

“You’re not my dad. I don’t have a father!” 

Noel was fuming. For over twenty years, Manuel had ignored him, and now that he was out of prison, how dare he claim to be his father? 

“Noel, watch your tone,” Leda snapped with a sneer. “Your father has been thinking about you all these years, while you seem to have entirely forgotten about him.” 


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