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The Billionaire Who Stole My Heart novel Chapter 876

Chapter 876 

“Tell me the truth.” Isaac looked straight at Noel. 

Noel feigned calmness. “I am telling you the truth. Just rest up, okay? Brittany will be here as soon as she wraps up her things.” 

Isaac remained silent. 

Noel, scared stiff, finally blurted out the truth, “Just take it easy, alright? Brittany… she got a bit of a scare, some complications, and she’s still in the OR.” 


At that, Isaac couldn’t sit still any longer; he threw back the covers and tried to get out of bed. 

“Bro, bro, bro, just stay put,” Noel, quick on his feet, held him down. “Brittany isn’t out yet, and you can’t do anything by rushing over there now.” 

Isaac shook off Noel, clutching his back where the wound was, and tried to stand, but his strength failed him, and down he went with a thud to the floor. 

“Bro, you gotta stay still,” Noel, worried about the wound tearing, said urgently. “Just wait here, I’ll get you a wheelchair.” 

Isaac, sweating bullets from pain, urged, “Hurry.” 

Noel quickly returned with a wheelchair, assisting Isaac into it before wheeling him to the operation room. 

Their timing was uncanny, arriving just as the doctor stepped out of the operation room, his expression grave. 

“Ms. Dustin is frail, and it was already a high-risk pregnancy. Unfortunately, after the shock, we couldn’t save the baby.” 

Hannah, who had experienced the loss of a child before, broke down upon hearing the doctor’s words, sobbing into Derek’s arms. 

For Isaac, it was as if something had exploded in his ears, his airways clogged with debris as a suffocating pain overwhelmed him. 

He tried to rise, disregarding his own wounds, but Noel held him down. 

“Bro, you gotta stay calm. Brittany needs you right now. If you lose it, how are you gonna take care of her?” 

Those words acted as a sedative, causing Isaac to freeze in place for a long moment. 

Brittany was moved to a VIP room, and Isaac wouldn’t leave her side. 


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Chapter 876 

Worried about him overexerting himself, Noel had the hospital put an extra bed in the room and forced Isaac to rest. 

Grace also regained consciousness, with her body largely unharmed but feeling a bit dizzy and in need of rest. 

The news of Brittany’s miscarriage hit Grace hard. 

Joie’s death caused hardly a ripple; it seemed no one cared much about her fate. 

The Salter family was undoubtedly looking for the shooter, but their focus was entirely on Brittany. 

Brittany awoke late into the night, seemingly aware of something amiss as she instinctively reached for her belly. 

Isaac quickly took her hand, his voice hoarse. “You’re awake. Are you in a lot of pain? Does anywhere else hurt?” 

Tears immediately filled Brittany’s eyes, her hand trembling. “Zakky, our baby…” 

The light in Isaac’s eyes extinguished. 

He couldn’t bring himself to tell Brittany that their child was gone. He felt guilty for not realizing sooner that she had been pregnant. 

That guilt, that weight in his throat, felt like a hard, sour lump that he couldn’t swallow. 

He took a deep breath and after a long time, he said, “Maybe our little one wasn’t ready to join our big family yet, wanted to go back and get ready a bit more.” 

Brittany broke into sobs, “Zakky, I had no idea, I really didn’t…” 

They had always been careful, and there was only that one time. She had been so busy lately that she hadn’t even noticed her missed period. 

She had no clue that there had been a tiny life growing inside her. 

Isaac held her close, his back wound tearing, but the pain in his chest was far worse. 


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