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The Billionaire's Maid Bride novel Chapter 641

What surprise? She couldn't seem to muster any excitement for it. A luxury brand necklace, a pendant, pearls, precious stones, or a designer handbag – she had no need for any of that... Once upon a time, there were things she wanted that Lucian couldn't provide. Now, she didn't even care to want them. One day, she would walk away from this man.


The next day marked the beginning of the much-anticipated film "Fragments of Truth," Wade's most buzzworthy project in three years. From the moment the film was announced, fans were on the edge of their seats with excitement. The lead roles were snagged by Allison, the rising star, and none other than Aaron, the celebrated Oscar-winning actor. Such a pairing catapulted the movie into trending searches before the cameras even started rolling.

"What? Aaron is the male lead?? Oh my God! That's mind-blowing!!"

"Aaron's been super selective these past couple of years, only doing that historical epic 'Chang'an' and a few cameos out of friendship. He’s known for not settling for less, so it's a total surprise that he signed on for 'Fragments of Truth.'"

"Isn't 'Fragments of Truth' supposed to be a female-centric film? The novel is all from the heroine's perspective. She's the main character, and everyone else is secondary. Shane's role is just a sidekick, there to watch the heroine work her magic and solve the case. He's basically her helper. Why would Aaron take on the role of Shane? Maybe he owes someone a favor?"

"Holy smokes! Aaron is actually playing second fiddle to a newbie!"

"This movie is definitely Allison's show. Wasn't she the one swamped in scandal just a month ago? I remember those scandalous photos."

"I've been following the drama, and those pictures were fake news. Allison's team sued the person who posted them. It's so easy to smear someone on the internet these days, especially a female celebrity. Just throw some dirt on her. The account that posted the photos got sued for a whopping 500 grand!"

"Allison is definitely green. She's got her work cut out for her, but her fans believe she'll nail the role of Irene. And with a powerhouse like Aaron in the mix, she's bound to learn a ton."

Allison's fans were mostly calm and supportive.

But Aaron's fans were restless. After all, Aaron's track record spoke volumes – a titan of the industry, a magnet for awards and nominations, with blockbusters grossing over 10 billion. His name alone was a box office draw.

And now he was supporting an up-and-coming actress.

"Fragments of Truth" was based on a bestselling novel that had flown off shelves with over 7 million copies sold. The screenplay was faithful to the book, which meant there was little room to beef up the male role. The movie's focal point was the female lead.

No matter how big a star Aaron was, his character was destined to play second fiddle to Irene, much to the chagrin of his fans.

But at the end of the day, fan opinions didn't sway Aaron himself.

Consequently, quite a few of Aaron's fans started lashing out at Allison.

"She's just a product of industry connections. They probably threw a fat paycheck at Aaron, and he couldn't say no. Guess he's just there to chill and collect his money, not like he needs this gig."

"How powerful must Allison's backers be if even Aaron is playing support for her? It's terrifying. Any other actress would've been ruined by those scandals, but there's Allison, unscathed, joining a big-budget production with a renowned director. Whoever's funding her must have profound influence. Even Aaron has to bow. It's frightening."


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