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The Blue Wolf novel Chapter 10

Arabella's Perspective:

I looked to my right and saw a tree that had a bigger trunk. I quietly moved and hid behind it.

I heard the voice of the girl scream out "Will! Dude! slow down. I'm telling you. If you do this. She'll hate you forever. Two days from right now, when she wakes up, you're gonna say (You were right Sophie. I shouldn't have. I should of waited.)"

Then I heard another voice that had much more authority in it: "William Accardi! Son, your sister is right. This is wrong. And also if you're mad at Ryker, that's ridiculous, have you forgotten? that man saved our lives. He means no harm son."

Then I heard William's voice. It was filled with anger and violence, it made me light headed: "Sophie next time you grab me, I can't guarantee I won't hurt you. So don't touch me again." I COMMAND YOU ALL TO LEAVE."

Then I heard a voice that sounded very calm "Will. Bro. Stop and think about this for a second, she already hates it here and thinks you're crazy. This is gonna make it worse."

I hear someone fall to the ground with a thud. And a loud growl, which I think comes from Will. Will says "LEAVE. ALL OF YOU." I hear Sophie "Michael, Dad, lets go, leave him. Let Arabella hate him forever."

Oh god. There's no where I can run where he won't see me. So I stay in my spot, un-realistically hoping he doesn't find me.

Okay so Sophie said "hate him forever", that means he couldn't be coming to kill me, but maybe he just wants to punch me in the face. Okay a punch. Hmmmmh, but a punch by him. So I guess this is goodbye to my teeth.

I hear him getting closer to me. I take a deep breath for whatever is about to come. When he walks in front of me and sees that I'm standing here, previously hiding, with my back against the tree, it's like his rage is turned ten levels higher.

I shriek as his hands tightly grasp my arms above my elbows. Will looks at me with pitch black eyes "If this is the only thing that will make you mine forever. I have to do it. Now." With tears going down my cheeks I weakly say "Do what?"

Suddenly he opens his mouth, and I see his canines elongate. No. He's gonna bite me, this can't happen. I start thrashing like a maniac. He just tightens his grip on my arms. I look into his pitch black eyes and plead "Please don't do this."

He brings his mouth to the spot in between my collar bone and neck "This is going to hurt."

I scream as his long teeth pierce into my skin with ease. He bites down on my skin, and sucks it for a second.

After that I lose consciousness.


This time I actually wake up on a bed in a room. The room is decorated in a grey, black and white aesthetic. The bed is in the middle of the room. When I look up there's a luxurious chandelier on the ceiling.

I try to sit up, but go against it once I start feeling the extreme burning sensation on my neck and grimace. I let out a groan of pain. When I turn my head to the left I see a girl sitting on a black sofa looking outside the window and smiling.

Everybody is fucking nuts here. Well except Ryker. But he was no help either. When the time came to do something, he did nothing. I decide in this moment. I'm not gonna ask anyone for any help again. They're all useless. I start moving around in the bed and start making some noise.

When she sees me she gets up and smiles. I don't have the energy to play nice after being attacked by a monster, so I just look away. She frowns but makes her way over to me, and sits on the long grey sofa chair on the right side of the bed.


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