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The Blue Wolf novel Chapter 6

Arabella's Perspective:

I make a little mental list once Dr. E leaves:

-No ones hurt me so far.

-No ones inappropriately touched me so far.

-No ones been mean to me so far.

-No ones tried to intentionally scare me.

-Everyone here thinks i'm the chosen one like Harry Potter.

-Everyone thinks I'm Will's soulmate.

-I don't know who the hell this Erika is, that things didn't end well with.

Okay so the way I'm thinking about it is that: I just have to convince Will that I'm not his soulmate, or a wolf, and then these crazy people will let me go back home to my apartment.

After I come up with that mini plan, I take a deep breath, and I walk out from the washroom into Will's room: The room is ten times the size of the washroom. Even though I don't know Will, this is totally his room. This is exactly the type of room I'd think would be his. He has like a little diagonal wooden staircase that goes up to a deck within the room.

I take a closer look and find that the first three steps of that staircase are book shelves. I walk towards it, bend over to look at the books he has there and I see one that I've read a few years back called Find You In The Dark. I highly doubt he's read a book like that, filled with passion and dark teen romance.

I wonder, if this is just his room. How big is this house? Must be massive.

I'm looking at the other books in the book shelf when I hear the door click open. I turn around and just stand there like an idiot.

Will comes in smiling, holding a tray with a bowl of some sort of rice and a glass of chocolate milk.

I'm too scared to say or do anything so I just stand there, paralyzed. Suddenly it dawns on me that I'm just standing here in underwear and I start feeling really self conscious. Also I remember if I wanna get out of here, I have to talk.

Part 6 1

Part 6 2


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