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The Blue Wolf novel Chapter 8

Arabella's Perspective:

I just stood there, like a moron, listening to Will. He hadn't noticed me yet, and if we had, he didn't give any signal that he did. "Michael, I don't care what the head judge of the council says. No ones going near Arabella. Especially when I haven't even marked her yet. She's already scared as it is. I don't know how she's going to react to me telling her I have to dig my teeth into her neck. And also, how dare they question if she's my mate or not? Simonetta has already confirmed it. And honestly dude, when are they gonna let the Erika thing go? It's been fucking three years."

Wait what? I thought they were Werewolves, not Vampires. Were Vampires real too? No way in hell was I going to cooperate with anyone wanting to bite into my neck. Also this was the second time I heard the name Erika. And why did I seem like I was being compared to her?

The gasp that escaped my lips was what brought Will's attention to me. With his eyes fixed on me, he quickly said "Mike I gotta go. See you down there." Then suddenly got up. He started walking towards me, his eyes never leaving mine.

I walked backwards until the cold wall hit me and I quietly yelped. When he was only a step away from me, I put my hands out and pushed him back slightly. With every bit of courage I had, I said "I swear to god, if you try to hurt me, I will fucking kill you."

William laughed lightly "I'm not going to hurt you, Arabella." I looked at him like he was stupid. I spoke in my smart ass tone now"Yeah um, I'm not too sure about that Sir, biting into my neck with your long, sharp werewolf teeth, I think that's what you would call....you know? Violence. And harming someone. So please stay away from me."

He took a step closer to me, I held my breath, pushed him back again, but before I could escape, he put his hands on the wall. Locking me in-between his arms. I could feel that warm energy between us. The one he talked about but I tried to keep my focus intact.

He smirked "I like when you call me Sir." My cheeks burned with embarrassment and my body felt hot all over. I turned my head to the right and closed my eyes for a second before I said "I called you Sir, because I don't know you, I have no idea who you are, I don't wanna know you, again thank you for saving me from those guys, but I'd like to go home now, and this is illegal, to keep me here, against my will."

William leaned in closer to me, his lips near mine. I could smell his minty breath. With only authority in his voice he said: "This is your home now. Do whatever you want. I won't let you go."

This pissed me off further. I said irritated "Why the hell do you have to bite me?" He looked at a shorter curl of mine that was falling on my forehead and smiled. He touched it with his left hand. "Your hair's so pretty." I swatted his hand away from my face and tried to escape again. But this time he grabbed my hips, under the baggy sweatshirt I was wearing. His body gently against mine now.

He looked at my neck and said "I have to bite you to make you mine. It's called marking." He smiled like a child now. "It's a gesture of love."

I scoffed. "It's an act of violence. Please let me go." He was looking down at my lips now. He commanded "Arabella. Kiss me."


Part 8 1

Part 8 2


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