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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 289

Parched like a desert traveler, Magnus hastily sipped the freshly brewed tea, only to spit it out instantaneously. He demanded in a stern voice, “What happened to this tea? Are you sure this is the same stuff Molly usually makes?”

The startled assistant nodded nervously, “Yes, sir. This is the only tea in Molly’s cabinet, the Arabica, it is.”

“No! That’s not the taste! Go find Molly now! Immediately, right now!” Magnus roared, his mind filled with thoughts of the tea Molly usually brewed for him.

“Alright, alright...” The assistant was relieved. He would rather run till he broke a leg to find Molly than bear the brunt of Magnus’ fury.

“Such irresponsibility! She promised and didn’t keep her word, instead, she took off without notice. That Molly, when she comes back, I’ll give her a piece of my mind!” Magnus fumed, pacing the room as his anger flared.

Meanwhile, Belle had been keeping an eye on the CEO’s office since Molly’s departure. When she saw Magnus dismissed the server who brewed the tea, she knew her plan had worked.

‘Watch out, Natalia and Magnus, I’ll make your lives a living hell!’

Magnus was waiting anxiously in his office, feeling an inner rage burning. He vented his anger by smashing everything in his office but still felt unsatisfied.

“Argh!” Magnus shouted as he felt his limbs start to numb. He collapsed on the floor, rolling around.

He felt as though his body was crawling with insects, an unbearable mixture of itchiness and numbness. His bones ached as if a blunt knife was scraping inside him, a torture worse than death by a thousand cuts.


Paul was supposed to pick up Magnus that day. As he pushed open the office door, he found Magnus rolling on the floor in distress. Startled, he rushed to Magnus’ side, bending down to help him, “Sir, what happened?”

Magnus was already delirious. His eyes were bloodshot, and he stared at Paul, who was trying to help him, with a hideous face. Without hesitation, he swung his fist at Paul.

Paul was caught off guard and was punched squarely by Magnus, falling to the ground with blood seeping from his nose.

Looking at the frantic Magnus, Paul realized the severity of the situation. He ignored the bleeding from his nose, and bent down again, trying to help Magnus up from the ground.

But Magnus now was not the calm and wise Magnus he knew. He was like a madman and did not recognize Paul. His mind was filled with thoughts of destruction. His inner rage was burning ferociously, demanding the annihilation of everything in sight!

As Paul, bleeding from his forehead, bent down to help Magnus up, he was met with more ferocious punches.

Paul braced himself against the forceful punches and managed to help Magnus up. “Sir, what’s happening? It’s me, Paul!”

However, Paul’s words fell on deaf ears. Magnus, who had just been helped up, was holding a bronze horse statue that he had knocked over, and without a second thought, he smashed it towards Paul’s head.



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