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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 290

How could he possibly be on drugs?

“No, it can’t be. Paul, are you sure? How could Magnus ever do such a thing?” He couldn’t be using drugs!

Paul wanted to say more, but the hospital director walked over with a grim face, handing a test report to Natalia. “Mrs. Andersen, this is Mr. Andersen’s blood test report. His blood contains a large amount of drugs.”

The director’s words struck Natalia like lightning, her hands trembling as she took the report. She refused to believe it. Oh God, Magnus could not possibly be using drugs. This must have been a misdiagnosis!

“Madam, what should we do now? Should we inform Mr. Morgan?” Paul asked Natalia.

“No!” Natalia immediately stopped Paul. She walked slowly into the room, looking at Magnus’ hands tied to the bed, and felt a sharp pain in her heart.

"Don't tell him." Morgan, like everyone else, would never accept that the CEO of Andersen Corporation was a drug addict!

“I’ll call James now, tell Dr. Frankie to come to Melfort as soon as possible. We need to keep this under wraps. We can't let any news leak out.” Natalia, despite being in shock, quickly made a decision. No matter what, she could not let the news of Magnus' drug use leak out!

After saying this, Natalia dialed James' number, asking him to come over as soon as possible.

Three hours later, James and Dr. Frankie arrived by helicopter in Melfort. They quickly rushed over, along with Carter.

After a brief discussion, Dr. Frankie decided to first determine the type of drug in Magnus' system and then see if an antidote could be formulated. Dr. Frankie and his medical team immediately started their work.

Meanwhile, James stayed with Natalia, standing by the bed and watching over Magnus. “Natalia, don't worry too much. I believe Magnus will pull through,” James comforted Natalia, feeling helpless himself.

Natalia sighed softly, “I know. He's so outstanding, he can't be using drugs. Someone must be scheming against him behind his back.”

James thought for a moment, “Could it be Lucius?”

“No,” Natalia shook her head confidently, “Lucius wouldn't dare to do this. He wouldn't torture him in this way. The person who poisoned him must hate Magnus to the bone.”

“Alright, I'll send someone to investigate who's behind this,” James said, instructing his men to probe into the cause of Magnus' poisoning.

Natalia nodded. “Yeah, it's best to start with the company. These days, Magnus spends most of his time either at home with me and the kids or at the office.”

As she said this, a face flashed through Natalia's mind, Belle. For some reason, she had never had a good impression of Belle. Even though she was sure she had met Belle only once, she felt a distinct dislike from the look in Belle's eyes.

That dislike was cold and suffocating, as if she was seeing an arch-enemy.

“James, I want your men to pay special attention to a girl named Belle,” Natalia reminded James, unable to put her worries to rest.

“Belle?” James was taken aback, “Who is she?”


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