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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 291

His words left everyone in the room shocked and speechless. Death from a body riddled with sores!

Upon hearing this, Natalia's vision blurred, and she nearly collapsed.

James threw the medical report onto the floor, grabbing Dr. Frankie by the shoulders and shaking him violently. "Since you know what it is, make an antidote quickly! No matter what, you must produce an antidote!"

Dr. Frankie hesitated for a moment. "This poison is very potent. I'm not entirely confident. I can only try my best to concoct a cure. But, I can't guarantee it will work."

"Well, what are you waiting for? Get to it!" James impatiently urged Dr. Frankie. "You didn't earn your title as a miracle doctor for nothing. Can this really stump you?”

"James, many things are not as simple as they seem." Dr. Frankie sighed and headed towards the pathology lab.

Watching Dr. Frankie's retreating figure, Natalia's heart clenched with worry. She looked at James anxiously. "Is this poison really that hard to cure? Even Dr. Frankie is helpless."

James, too, was uncertain. He believed in Dr. Frankie's ability to concoct an antidote, and he had to!

Looking at Natalia's tear-filled eyes, James consoled her, "Don't worry, Natalia! Dr. Frankie is remarkable, he'll surely come up with a solution soon."

All Natalia could do now was wait. She anxiously looked through the glass window at Magnus, who was unconscious on the bed. Carter had already re-tied him.

"Isn't it uncomfortable for him to be tied up like this? Can we loosen him a bit? At least it will make him less uncomfortable." She had never seen Magnus like this before. Her heart ached.

James shook his head, pointing to Paul, who had been standing quietly nearby. “Did you see the bandage on Paul’s head, Natalia? Did you see how he nearly strangled me earlier? He’s not in his right mind right now, and he doesn't care who you are. If you get too close, he'll try to kill you."

Natalia looked at Paul and apologized, "Paul, are you okay? You should go get checked by a doctor."

Paul shook his head. "I'm fine, ma'am. I owe my life to Mr. Magnus. As long as he is safe, I wouldn't hesitate to die for him."

Upon hearing Paul's loyal words, Natalia was touched. Magnus was truly blessed to have such a devoted subordinate.

"Paul, you're injured. Go and rest. I'll be here and call you if anything happens," Natalia softly persuaded Paul to take a break.

However, Paul insisted he was fine and refused to leave. Natalia had no choice but to let him stay. She sighed deeply, gently taking Magnus' hand. The sight of his bruised and battered body made her heart feel like it was shattering.

Back in the day, Magnus was untamed and proud. When had he ever looked this pitiful?


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