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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 357

He paced anxiously outside the emergency room with an air of restless worry, muttering nonstop, "It can't be. She'll be fine. She'll be fine!"

He was about to go mad! He banged heavily on the ER door. "Doctor, let me in, Natalia-"

His loud voice drew the ire of a nurse. "Sir, this is a hospital. Please keep your voice down. And don't bang on the door!"

The flashing red light above the ER filled Hector with dread. He never thought that the girl he had breakfast with this morning could be in a car accident.

After what seemed like an eternity, the door finally opened, and several medical staff rolled out a gurney.

"Doctor, is she okay? Is she okay?" Hector, frantic and disoriented, rushed over.

The lead surgeon removed his mask, shaking his head with an air of pessimism. "The patient's condition is critical. She could slip into a vegetative state at any moment. Whether she wakes up depends on her will to live."

Hector felt as though he'd been electrocuted. The idea of sweet, innocent Natalia in a vegetative state was unthinkable. No, it couldn’t be!

"Doctor, please save her, she's so young, she can't become a vegetable! Doctor, please!" Hector grabbed the doctor's hand, pleading desperately.

The doctor, well accustomed to the comings and goings of life, was indifferent to the pleas. Noticing Hector's panic-stricken face, he suggested, "You could try talking to her once she's out of the woods. Try to awaken her will to live. If she's given up, there's nothing more we can do."

Hearing this, Hector felt his heart break into a million pieces. Looking at Natalia's pale cheeks, as white as paper, he felt a stabbing pain in his heart. It was all his fault for not taking better care of her. How could this have happened?

Hector kept vigil outside Natalia's room for a whole day and night, not wanting to leave until the doctor said she was temporarily out of danger.

Relieved, Hector quickly followed the doctor into the room. After they moved Natalia into the sterile ICU, Hector entered, looking at her bruised arm, his heart aching so much he could barely breathe. He took care of Natalia with all his heart, spending all day by her bedside.

Half a month went by, and Hector was unkempt and unshaven and was on the brink of a breakdown.

One day, sitting by Natalia's bed, looking at her lifeless face, he was filled with guilt. "Natalia, can you hear me?

"Natalia, can you open your eyes and look at me?

"Natalia, I know your heart still belongs to Magnus, I know. If it weren't for those disgusting rumors about him, you wouldn't be like this.


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