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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 358

Upon hearing the doctor's words, Hector's previously ecstatic face crumbled instantly. He had been on the verge of jumping for joy, but now he felt as if he had been cast into the deepest pits of despair by the doctor's simple sentence.

After leaving Hector with a final piece of advice, the doctor departed, leaving the sterile intensive care unit in silence, save for the lifeless form of Natalia on the bed and the persistent Hector, who refused to stop whispering words of assurance into her ear.

Hector was certain that Natalia would wake up. She had to.



On the day of Natalia's accident...

Magnus was restless in his office, tossing things around in frustration. He was faced with architectural blueprints, but there was no sign of the familiar face he was expecting. What use were these blueprints to him?

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, as if he had been stabbed with a knife. This sudden pain broke him out in a cold sweat.

Magnus was usually in great health, so he was completely perplexed by his sudden ailment and filled with worry.

They said that couples shared a deep connection. Could this sudden pain mean that something had happened to his wife?

As soon as this thought popped into his head, he immediately denied it. Nothing could have happened to her. She was so kind and good-hearted, it was impossible.

However, the rising panic in his heart told him that the missing Natalia might have been facing a grave situation.

Magnus felt a deep sense of powerlessness. He was filled with regret that he couldn’t be by his wife’s side to shield her from harm. She was so delicate and sensitive, how was he supposed to live through this dull and long life if she were to get hurt?

The more he thought about it, the more irritable Magnus became. A surge of fury rose within him, and he turned his wrath to the blueprints on his desk.

The blueprints, which had been maliciously altered to a deep red color and still bore tear stains, reminded Magnus of his wife’s accusing gaze, and the pain in his heart was unbearable.

In these past few days, the blueprints that Diana had submitted were not only vastly different from Magnus' original designs but were also simply unbearable to look at!

Ha, did Diana really think that no one would notice that these weren't from the same designer?

Magnus' anger only grew as he looked at them, and he kicked over his desk in a fit of rage, stomping on it viciously.


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