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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 379

Natalia’s skin had turned a rosy hue from the passionate encounter, and she was fuming mad. Yet, despite her anger, she couldn’t deny the shameful thrill Magnus’ touch had ignited within her — a sweetness that seemed to betray her own desires.

Having finally finished, she pushed at him with her hands, her voice a mix of rage and embarrassment. “Back off, Magnus! You better get out of here this instant!”

But Magnus, sated and smug, wasn’t about to heed her words. He pulled her close again, admiring the blush that spread across her cheeks. His voice was dripping with feigned innocence. “Darling, I just realized how much I still want you. Can’t you feel it? Oh, what am I going to do?”

Natalia clenched her teeth in frustration. This infuriating man! She could feel his renewed vigor, which seemed to defy all logic given their recent activities.

But she was determined not to let Magnus have his way again. She pinched his chest hard. “You shameless brute, let me go! Jonas is still asleep on the couch, and what if Hector walks in? I’d die of embarrassment!”

Magnus let out an exaggerated yelp, pointing to the nipple on his chest. “Darling, pinch if you must, but why there? That’s not how you get a man riled up.”

Ignoring his complaints, Natalia pushed him away and finally escaped his grasp. Without concern for modesty, she scooped up her scattered clothes and bolted for the bathroom, “Magnus, get yourself together and save me from further embarrassment!” With that, she slammed the bathroom door behind her.

Meanwhile, Magnus lay back on the bed, whistling a tune, lazily wiggling his toes, and reveling in his contentment. Natalia always played hard to get, but her body never lied. And he loved every bit of it.

Under Natalia’s insistent prodding, Magnus slowly got himself ready, and he reluctantly headed out of the room.

By the time they descended the stairs, it was already noon, and Jonas was stirring awake on the sofa. Rubbing his eyes, the little boy looked up at Natalia. “Mommy, what time is it?”

Realizing how long they had been upstairs, Natalia shot Magnus a scathing look before answering her son. “Well, it seems your daddy and I lost track of time. But how about we all go out for some brunch?”

Jonas’ stomach grumbled in agreement. “I’m starving! Can we have pancakes and bacon?”

Natalia smiled. “Of course, sweetie. Let’s treat ourselves to a nice breakfast.”

Magnus, trying to hide his grin, followed them out the door. His mood was visibly lifted by the promise of a family outing.

They settled into a cozy diner, and the smell of coffee and sizzling sausages was in the air.


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