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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 394

In a world where compliments were the currency of love, no mother's heart was immune to the sweet sound of praise for her children. Natalia was no different. She gratefully absorbed every kind word Lexi offered about her son, Jonas, before rising from the couch with a stretch. "It's nearly time for dinner. I should get started on the meal."

As if on cue, Magnus, who had become something of an adopted family member, jumped to his feet. "Let me give you a hand, Natalia."

Without a word, Natalia headed to the kitchen, and Magnus took her silence as consent, following her with a spring in his step.

In the kitchen, Natalia was wrestling with an onion. Its layers were stubbornly clinging together. Magnus approached her with a grin. "Here, let me tackle that."

"What are you doing in here?" She asked, a bit surprised but not stopping her peeling.

Magnus snatched the onion from her. "I'm here to help, of course. Peeling onions is a man's work."

Natalia simply turned to the sink and began rinsing a ripe, red tomato, the water running over her hands.

"Natalia?" Magnus said, struggling with the onion, trying to strike up a conversation.

"Hmm?" She replied, focused on her task.

"Let's have another kid. What do you say?"

Silence fell.



"Why aren't you saying anything?"

"What do you want me to say, Magnus? In broad daylight, with Lexi and the kids around..." Her words trailed off as she chopped the tomato, but before she could finish her sentence, Magnus wrapped his arms around her from behind.

He pulled her close, inhaling her scent, and his voice was husky with longing. "Natalia, it kills me to see you every day and not be able to... You know I can't stand it. And you love kids. So, shouldn't we just go ahead and have another one?"

Her cheeks flushed as red as the tomato in her hand, and she was acutely aware of Magnus’ growing desire pressing against her lower back.

"I'm cooking, Magnus. Let go," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath, betraying her as if she were the one initiating their forbidden dance.

But Magnus’ hands were already wandering, moving with a mind of their own. "Natalia, I'm starving. Won't you feed me?" He murmured, his tone playful yet urgent.

She caught his hands, her embarrassment evident. "Can you not be such a perv? We're in the kitchen!"

"Then let's go to the bedroom, shall we?" He whispered, nibbling on her earlobe.


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