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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 395

With a huff of annoyance, he stomped up the stairs, muttering, "I'm not wasting cash on a motel. I'll crash upstairs." As he stomped past Natalia's room, he had half a mind to kick the door in and boot Lexi out so he could claim the space for himself.

James chuckled as he trailed behind Magnus, once again marveling at the insanity of love. Here was a cold, shrewd CEO who'd gone bonkers just like that.


Natalia and Lexi poured out their souls to each other all night, only succumbing to sleep as dawn crept in, but their slumber was short-lived. A thunderous knocking at the door soon jolted them awake. The sound was so forceful it seemed the door might come off its hinges.

Groggy and yawning, Natalia shuffled to the door and yanked it open, "Who's there? It's the crack of dawn, for crying out loud..."

She stopped mid-sentence, her brain freezing as she stared at Callum standing before her. Did she still have sleep in her eyes? A hard pinch to her arm—ouch, that hurt—confirmed she wasn't dreaming. But why on earth was Cal doing a dawn raid on her place?

Still in bed and eyes shut, Lexi grumbled, "Who disturbs my beauty sleep at this ungodly hour?"

When Natalia remained silent, Lexi asked, puzzled, "Natalia, why so quiet? Oh no, don’t tell me Magnus the Starved kidnapped you!"

Lexi’s eyes popped open to investigate, only to be confronted with a magnified version of Callum’s face!

Lexi shrieked, the shock of it all too much for an early morning. The next second, her scream was muffled by Callum's hand as he rasped into her ear, "Lexi, you really are here, thank God!"

Without any regard for Lexi's stunned state, Callum wrapped her in a tight embrace. "I've finally found you."

Both Natalia and Lexi were speechless, and the room was heavy with surprise.

Natalia's eyes widened at the sight of Callum clinging to Lexi like she might vanish any second. All those tragic tales Lexi had spun the night before seemed phony now.

How could this man, who now clung to Lexi as if his life depended on it, be the same villain who'd supposedly turned his back on his wife and almost killed her?

Yet, what exactly had transpired between them to cause such a rift?

A sea of questions swirled in Natalia's mind, but she was abruptly whisked away by Magnus, who had appeared at the door. "They're having a moment, Nat. Don't be a third wheel," Magnus whispered, leading her away.


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