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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 402

After absorbing Angela's words, Natalia was at a loss. Instinctively, her gaze drifted to Magnus, who had been silently brooding the whole time.

Magnus nodded. "Let her go, man. It's a debt of the heart that James owes, and he's gotta face it head on. If they really hit it off, I'd be more than happy to have a woman take him in hand and make him taste what it's like to be struck by Cupid's arrow."

With that, Magnus wrapped an arm around Natalia, clearing a path for Angela with gentlemanly ease. "Princess Angela, feel free to rough him up, just try not to break anything important."

Grateful, Angela nodded. "Don't worry, I'm too busy loving him to hurt him. And besides, do you really think I'd do something to harm you or James?"

Without another word, Angela hoisted the unconscious James over her shoulder and walked out of Natalia's apartment.

Watching Angela's retreating figure, Magnus muttered under his breath, "It's precisely because I know you and Cal are cut from the same cloth that I'm worried about."

Natalia didn't catch his words and looked up. "What was that?"

Magnus shook his head. "Nothing. It's good this way. Finally, there's a woman willing to tame that wild one."

But Natalia was still worried. "Doesn't Angela seem a bit too strong, though?"

"What's wrong with that? To each their own, right? James is always so picky, and thinks taking care of a woman is too much trouble. Ha, now he's got someone who can squash him flat, so maybe they'll really hit it off," Magnus said, embracing Natalia's shoulder with affection. "Darling, I'm ready to take care of you for the rest of our lives."

This time, Natalia didn't get lost in Magnus' loving gaze but gently pushed him away. "No need, I'm not that fragile girl anymore. I can take care of myself."

Magnus looked crestfallen, quickly adopting a pitiful expression. "But baby, I desperately need your care."

Natalia laughed without a word, heading for the living room. Magnus immediately followed, as though afraid Natalia might vanish from his sight.

In the living room, Lexi and Cal were wrapped up in sweet nothings; their misunderstandings were resolved, and they were deeply in love.

Natalia cleared her throat, teasing, "Wow, you two made up already?"

Lexi laughed heartily. "Of course, life's too short to waste. Gotta seize the moment!"

"Exactly, Buttercup," Cal added seriously. "I hope you can let go of your past hurts and find true happiness. And despite the fact that I can't stand the sight of Magnus, I must admit, he's the right guy for you."

Natalia, caught between their playful exchange, blushed slightly. "I was just teasing you two, and now you're ganging up on me. How frustrating."


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