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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 403

As Natalie's phone died, she let out a sigh of frustration. You know, it was one of those days when, as they say, "when it rains, it pours." And pour it did, outside the vast expanse of her deserted office, she was now the sole inhabitant.

A shiver ran down her spine as Natalie recalled the series of brutal murders that had been the talk of the town - and the constant feature on every TV channel. It was as if the very air of Hawaii had been tainted with an unsettling presence.

It started without warning. Young women’s lives were cruelly snatched away and were found in the most gruesome states in the forgotten corners of the city. The killer was brutal and elusive, and the police were left grasping at straws for any substantial lead.

The pattern was chilling. Each victim shared the same dark hair and blue eyes. Warnings blared on every screen, urging the local women to exercise caution, to avoid walking alone, and to be vigilant.

Natalie's mind raced with fear. Her imagination painted the empty office as a potential hunting ground for the crazed killer. She couldn't stay here, not a minute longer. She needed to be with Magnus, her husband, her sanctuary. His presence was the only thing that could calm the storm inside her.

With hurried steps, she made her way to the elevator and descended to the lobby. But as if in sync with her fears, the building plunged into darkness. The lights were snuffed out by the raging storm outside.

Startled, Natalie reached for her phone, only to remember its lifeless state. Lightning tore through the sky, with each flash a violent stroke against the heavens.

Swallowing her fear, she edged toward the exit, but a crash of thunder nearly split her eardrums. She froze, and her gaze was fixed on a dark silhouette standing ominously in the doorway.

A scream escaped her lips, but before terror could consume her, the shadow flickered with light, revealing the face she longed to see. Wrapped in Magnus' warm embrace, she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"It's just me, honey," Magnus' voice was a soothing balm to her frayed nerves.


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