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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 422

Hector strolled back home at a leisurely pace when suddenly, a petite figure crashed into his chest.

"Sir, please help me! Someone's after me. They want to take me away. Please, you have to help!" She pleaded, her tear-streaked face gripping his shirt for dear life.

With a look of disdain, Hector pushed the girl away, his voice cold as steel. "I've seen your type before, always throwing themselves at people. Cut it out."

He shrugged her off and continued on his way, but soon after, a group of ruffians hollered from behind, "Grab her, she's right here!"

The gang seized the girl, dragging her back as she screamed for help. Hector didn't look back, walking on as the girl's desperate eyes fixated on his retreating figure before she closed them in despair.

In a last-ditch effort, she fumbled in her pocket for a small knife and brought it to her throat, but it was swiftly knocked out of her hand, "Think you can off yourself that easily? You're not dying until you've paid back what's owed!"

A slap rang out, and the girl's face turned to the side, blood trickling from her mouth. The group continued to drag her away, but Hector, out of the corner of his eye, saw her hair floating behind her as they took her. He closed his eyes, then snapped them open and spun around, striding over to the gang. "Let her go!"

They paused, looking up at Hector blocking their path. "Mind your own business!" They sneered, trying to continue, but Hector grabbed one by the arm.

"Didn't you hear me? I said let her go!" His eyes glinted with a steely resolve under the moonlight.

Realizing Hector wasn't backing down, the leader spoke, "This girl's old man skipped town after owing our boss a fortune. Debt passes from father to daughter; it's only fair. So, kindly step aside and let us handle this."

Hector eyed them sharply. "If she owes you money, ask her to pay. Why take her?"

"She's broke, and our boss decided to have her work off the debt at the casino. Once she clears the slate, she's free to go," the man declared.

The thought of the young girl being forced to work off debts at a casino and becoming a plaything for gamblers, was more than Hector could stomach. "How much does she owe?"

"Her father left a debt of half a million!"

Hector pulled out a card from his wallet. "Here's half a million. The PIN's the last six digits on the back. Take it to your boss and leave the girl be."

The gang quickly checked the card at a nearby ATM and found the money as promised. They glanced back at Hector. "We're square. Let's roll out."

Once they were gone, the girl stood at the corner, staring after Hector, who, without a glance back, walked into his villa.

She followed timidly until he reached his doorstep. Hector turned, annoyed. "I've settled your debt. Why are you still here?"

She looked down, twisting her clothes nervously. "Sir, thank you for saving me. I'll find a way to repay you. I don't have a job right now, but I can work for you and do household chores."

"I don't need a maid. You can leave. The debt's forgiven." With that, Hector entered his house and slammed the door shut.

The girl stood by the closed door, the night wind howling as she wrapped her arms around herself, shivering on Hector's doorstep.


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