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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 423

Hector climbed the stairs and entered his study, finding it transformed from the chaotic mess it once was into a pristine sanctuary. The dust of neglect had been banished, the shelves orderly and inviting. He settled behind his desk and began to wade through a mountain of paperwork.

Before long, a knock echoed through the room. "Come in."

Bianca, the new housekeeper, stepped in with a steaming mug in hand. "Mr. Hector, I've brought you some herbal tea. Coffee's not the best idea this late; it's rough on the stomach."

"Thanks, just set it down," Hector replied without looking up, his focus unbroken as Bianca quietly left, closing the door behind her.

Hector worked into the night, occasionally sipping on the tea Bianca had brewed. It kept him alert as he scrutinized the documents before him.

In the early hours, he finally stood, stretching his stiff muscles, and made his way back to his bedroom to catch a few hours of sleep.

The next day, the aroma of breakfast wafted up to his room and lured him from his bed. Dressed for the day, he descended the stairs to find an inviting spread laid out on the dining table, and the living room spotless.

Hector sat down, his eyes following the busy figure in the kitchen. He mused that having someone at home wasn't so bad, nodding to himself in approval of Bianca's efficiency.

"You're up, Mr. Hector. Breakfast is ready," Bianca called out as she served him a bowl of creamy oatmeal, complemented by a few side dishes that were nothing short of delicious.

Hector ate in silence, surprised to find himself going for a second helping of the oatmeal. It dawned on him that it had been ages since he'd enjoyed a meal like this. Most nights, he'd either grab a drink at the bar or whip up some instant soup at home. Since Natalia left, casual dining had become his norm. But Bianca's cooking? It was right up his alley. After a hearty breakfast, he headed to the office.

Once Hector was gone, Bianca busied herself with the villa, cleaning every room until they shone. She even did the laundry, including Hector's clothes.

Noticing the drabness of the villa's yard, devoid of even a single flower, she locked up and headed to the market. She returned with a few pots of flowers for Hector's balcony and planted some herbs and vegetables in the garden.

When she finished, the villa radiated coziness, and she couldn't help but smile contentedly.

She had dinner waiting when Hector was due home, but as time ticked on without any sign of him, she eventually dozed off on the sofa.

Hector had been out socializing and, after a few drinks, was dropped off by his assistant. He pushed open the villa door, spotting the dimly lit dining room with untouched food and Bianca asleep on the sofa. Frowning, he wondered why she hadn't eaten without him. He didn't want her to wait.

Looking at Bianca, he saw her small face etched with worry, even in sleep. Her ponytail was draped over the back of the sofa, and despite not being strikingly beautiful, she had an air of being unblemished and refreshing.

Hector draped a blanket over her without waking her. Her life had been tough, paying off her father's debts with her frail shoulders. He wondered if she was even of age.

Showering off the day, Hector emerged in a towel to find Bianca standing in his bedroom, staring at him in shock.

Bianca had woken after Hector ascended the stairs. Seeing the blanket on her, she knew he had returned. The untouched dinner concerned her – had he eaten? She went upstairs to offer tea but found him exiting the shower.

There he was, his hair damp, his muscular torso barely covered. Bianca was transfixed, her heart pounding.


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