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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 426

Hector dove deep into the pool's embrace, slicing through the water to reach Bianca, who was sinking like a stone.

In no time, he spotted her limp figure on the tiled floor. With powerful strokes, he reached her, wrapping his arms around her slender waist and hauling her to the surface.

They broke the surface, and Hector frantically called out, "Bianca, come on, wake up! Bianca?" But Bianca was out cold, her face ashen, and unresponsive to Hector's pleas.

Without a second to lose, Hector dragged her to the poolside, pressing down on her chest, attempting CPR. Despite his efforts, the water that Bianca had swallowed only trickled out, and she remained unconscious.

Time was of the essence, and Hector couldn't afford to hesitate. He leaned over and sealed his lips to hers, breathing life into her, mouth-to-mouth.

The moment their lips touched, Hector couldn't help but gasp inwardly. Holy smokes, was she wearing honey lip balm or something? Why was it so sweet?

Shaking the thought away, he focused on the task, continuing the rescue breaths.

Inhale, exhale...

Inhale, exhale...

Determined, Hector persevered until he felt a tiny quiver in Bianca's lips. Thank goodness, she was coming around!

Bianca slowly regained consciousness but didn't dare open her eyes. She was acutely aware that Hector was administering mouth-to-mouth, but it felt embarrassingly intimate. And to make matters worse, she was practically naked, her body exposed before him.

Flushed with embarrassment, Bianca wished she could vanish into thin air.

Feeling her lashes flutter, and her lips growing warm, Hector stopped the resuscitation and gently propped Bianca up. He chuckled as he caught sight of her apple-red cheeks. "If you're awake, get up and get dressed. You don't want to catch a cold."

Bianca internally kicked herself. Hector had caught on to her feigned unconsciousness. Oh, the horror! She could practically feel her cheeks burning as she clumsily stood and scurried to her room.

Inside, she swapped her damp clothes for dry ones, her heart pounding with anxiety. After all, she was just Hector's maid and had jumped into the pool without his permission, making a spectacle of herself. Would he be so furious that he'd send her packing?

The thought tormented Bianca as she contemplated her fate. With nowhere to go in Hawaii and a father who was a gambling wretch, she couldn't possibly return home to be collateral for his debts.


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