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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 427

Hector could feel it—a restlessness, an agitation that made it impossible to focus on his work. It was like that girl, Bianca, had cast a spell on him. Her image danced through his mind, impossible to shake off.

He felt like a teenager, hormones raging at the mere thought of her. It was driving him mad.

Enough was enough!

Frowning deeply, Hector stopped in his tracks. It must’ve been the dry spell talking, the lack of a woman’s touch that had him entertaining such taboo thoughts about someone so young.

No, this couldn’t go on. He needed to cool off, to get his mind out of the gutter.

With that resolution, Hector somehow got through the day. When the clock signaled the end of his shift, he bolted out of the office.

Instead of heading home, he drove straight to a bar. Under the hazy night sky, neon lights cast an irritating glow on Hector’s face, deepening his frown. He was never one for strong physical needs. What the hell was happening today?

After a moment of deep thought, he found his answer. Damn it, it must’ve been Magnus' bad influence!

Determined not to let these disturbing thoughts affect his life, Hector pulled up to the bar. He walked in, the music was blasting, and the dance floor was alive with gyrating bodies. With a scowl, he made his way to the quieter end of the bar and signaled the bartender.

The bartender, a savvy man, could tell Hector was loaded, and hurried over with a servile smile. "What can I get for you, sir?"

Hector took a sip of his drink, his irritation clear. "Get me a private room. And send over a couple of ladies."

"Right away, sir. I'll have someone show you to the VIP room," the bartender said, his eyes gleaming at the prospect of good business.

A waitress led Hector to the VIP room, and he didn't have to wait long before two heavily made-up women sauntered in.

Expecting an old bald man, they were thrilled to see Hector instead, and they giggled as they approached him. "Hey, handsome. Have you been waiting a long time? Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?"

"Yeah, how do you want to play tonight? We'll make sure you're well taken care of," the other cooed, her eyes sparkling with promise.

Hector felt repulsed by their flirtations. He glanced at them and said coldly, "Strip."

"Alright, don't be so impatient." The girl joked while throwing flirtatious glances at Hector, her teasing obvious.

The other not wanting to be outdone, quickly undressed while uttering moans that could make one blush and buckle. She undid Hector’s trousers, "Well, the best is yet to come."

Hector sat unfazed on the vast couch, observing the two princesses who were soon stark naked, their voluptuous breasts jiggling as they moved their hips towards him.


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