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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 431

The news came back quicker than a New York minute, and the beaming hospital director was all smiles as he delivered the tidings. “Oh, congratulations, Mr. Andersen, and felicitations! Mrs. Andersen is five weeks along. This is indeed a joyous occasion!”

Over the moon, Magnus swept Natalia up in a whirl of elation, spinning on the spot as he bellowed, “Fantastic! Finally, I might have a daughter!”

Jonas joined in with applause, his laughter ringing out. “Ha, that’s awesome! I'm gonna be a big brother!”

As the ecstatic duo celebrated, Natalia, slightly dizzy, leaned into Magnus’ embrace, murmuring, “Can we stop spinning, please? My head’s spinning, too.”

“Ah? Of course, of course, I got a bit carried away and forgot I was holding you, my dear.” Pride was etched across Magnus' face. “Darling, I’m just over the moon. Thank you for giving me another child!”

Jonas came closer, too, adding his thanks. “Yeah, Mommy, I am really thankful, and soon I'll be called, big brother Jonas!”

Natalia’s spirits lifted with the mood, but she still managed to pinch Magnus gently, whispering, “Stop making a scene in front of the director.”

Only then did Magnus remember the hospital director standing by. With great cheer, he expressed his gratitude, “Thank you, Director, for being so patient with us.”

“Not at all, Mr. Andersen. It’s a great privilege for our hospital to have you and your wife here!” The director was grinning from ear to ear.

It seemed even the usually tough-to-please Mr. Andersen had his Achilles' heel – the sweet-smiling woman in his arms. Now, the director thought, securing that investment for the hospital would be a piece of cake.

Calculating his next move, the director nodded at Magnus. “Mr. Andersen, your wife is only five weeks along. It’s crucial to take good care of her health at this stage. So, our hospital has an excellent medical team, and I've decided to assign a special squad to provide comprehensive care throughout your wife’s pregnancy.”

Magnus thought that sounded like a good plan, saving him the trouble of bringing in doctors from Melfort.

But the director’s humility surely had a motive. Magnus cut to the chase. “Alright then, much obliged.”

Aware that it was all give and take, Magnus turned back to the director. “And what would you have me do in return?” If it was for his wife's benefit, he was willing to do anything.

The director, a bit sheepish now that his ulterior motive was out in the open, began to fidget. “Well, Mr. Andersen, to be frank, our hospital is expanding, and we're a bit short on funds. We’d like to invite you to invest in us to help us through this financial crunch.”

“No problem. How much do you need? Discuss the details with my assistant tomorrow. I need to be with my wife right now.” Magnus handed over his business card. “This is my assistant's number; you can contact him directly.”

“Thank you so much, Mr. Andersen! Your help would be a blessing for our hospital!” The director accepted the card with reverence and stowed it safely in his pocket.

Magnus dismissed the formalities with a nod. “That’s fine. But make sure to crack the whip on your staff. They need to maintain professionalism and not switch faces with different patients. Remember the ethics of your profession!”

“Yes, of course! I’ll see to it right away,” the director promised, bowing out with the precious business card in hand.


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