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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 430

Natalia gazed into the warm depths of Magnus' dark eyes, then at his strikingly handsome features, and silently nodded in agreement.

With a protective arm, Magnus scooped Natalia into his embrace and, along with their son, Jonas, made a beeline for the hospital. Magnus needed confirmation of Natalia's pregnancy to set his mind at ease.

The trio hurried to the hospital, Magnus on edge the entire way, insisting on carrying Natalia and refusing to let her walk for fear she might twist her back.

Jonas, the obedient little shadow, trailed behind them, and whenever Natalia voiced a protest, he sided with his dad, urging her to stay content in his father's arms.

Natalia was beyond words. Those in the know would understand she was off to the gynecologist, but to any onlooker, her husband and son's battle stations stance might’ve suggested she was battling some terminal illness.

Despite her protests, her voice carried little weight in the matter, and she resigned herself to resting against Magnus' chest. Her hand covered her face in case they bumped into someone familiar. The embarrassment would be unbearable!

Magnus carried Natalia to the maternity ward, elbowing the door open. "Doctor, quick, my wife needs seeing to!"

The doctor, picking up on Magnus' panic, immediately tensed up. "Alright, lay the patient down on the bed. What seems to be the problem? Is she miscarrying, or is it an ectopic pregnancy?"

The sight of a man carrying a woman to the gynecologist's office usually meant serious business.

Magnus, his face like thunder but complying with the doctor's instructions, gently placed Natalia on the bed before glowering at the doctor. "We're here for a pregnancy test!"

Only then did the doctor realize she'd jumped to conclusions, muttering irritably, "Well, you could've started with that. Who carries their wife in for a pregnancy test?"

"What are you saying?" Magnus flared up. "As a doctor, you should be ashamed of that attitude! Now, I doubt whether you're even qualified to administer a test to my wife!"

The doctor was used to scolding patients. She wasn’t familiar with Magnus, and was taken aback by his fury.

"Tch, who do you think you are? If you don't like it, get lost. Don't give me that attitude!" With a dismissive roll of his eyes, the doctor returned to his seat, ignoring them entirely.

Magnus' temper soared. Had this been in Melfort, he would've taught this arrogant doctor a lesson in regret.

"Fine! You're the boss! But just remember, don't cross me!" Fuming, Magnus returned to Natalia's side, preparing to lift her, "Let's go. We won't be getting our check-up here."

Natalia gently chastised Magnus, "Look at you, getting all worked up for nothing. What's the use in arguing with the doctor?"

Just as Magnus was about to respond, the hospital director happened to pass by the door. The director, having tried and failed to secure a meeting with Magnus multiple times, was thrilled to bump into him, promptly entering with a push of the door.


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