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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 439

"Mr. Andersen, I'm tossing you the rope. You've gotta make sure you and your wife slide down to safety!" Gabby shouted, cupping her hands around her mouth, as she hurled the coiled rope upward with all her might.

Gabby, standing on the ground, was too far from the floor where Magnus was. She had to throw several times before she finally managed to get the rope up to him.

Magnus caught the rope and quickly secured it around the sturdy pipes outside the shopping mall. He then turned to Natalia and said, "Honey, do you think you can slide down with me?"

Natalia nodded. "As long as I'm with you, what does it matter where we go?"

"Alright! Let's move!" The smoke from inside the mall was creeping closer, and Magnus had no time left to think. He tied the rope securely around his waist and then, holding his heavily pregnant wife Natalia, squeezed out through the window.

The onlookers on Main Street had already gathered to watch the fire at the mall. Now, seeing Magnus emerge from the third floor with Natalia's prominent belly, they were abuzz with concern.

"Look up there, that guy's carrying his pregnant wife!"

"My God, sliding down from that height is dangerous. If that rope snaps halfway, it's no joke. That's three lives at stake!"

"Exactly, buddy, take it easy. Be careful!"

"Yeah, slowly does it. No rush."

Amidst the crowd's clamor, Gabby remained calm. She turned to the crowd and called out, "Folks, that's a couple up there, and the wife is carrying an unborn child. Please, lend a hand to help them!"

"No problem, but how can we help?"

"Yeah, it's so high up, we can't just fly up there and bring them down."

"Even if we could fly, it won't be easy with two adults."

The crowd voiced their concerns for Magnus and Natalia, but for a moment, no one could think of a viable way to help.

Gabby was not flustered. She waved her hands for attention. "Quiet, please! Can I say something? Any shop owners nearby, please help out. Bring mattresses and blankets to cushion their fall just in case they plummet. Don't worry, for any bedding you provide, I promise to compensate you tenfold after they're safe."

With Gabby's assurance, the crowd quickly dispersed and returned with thick blankets and various cushions. In no time, they had padded the area beneath the window.

In truth, Magnus and Natalia could have landed safely with just the three strands of rope, but Magnus didn't have the luxury of time to ponder this. He secured the rope and prepared to slide down with Natalia in his arms.

Gabby yelled up to them, "Mr. Andersen, hurry down with Natalia. It'll be dangerous if the fire spreads!"


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