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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 440

Although Gabby made it sound like a breeze, Natalia still sensed the gravity of the situation. She owed her safe escape to Gabby's quick thinking and bravery.

Just then, the sound of shattering glass erupted from the third floor. Everyone looked up to see it engulfed in flames.

Ambulances and police officers scrambled about as if preparing for battle, and firefighters convened to tackle the blaze. The scene was pure chaos.

Watching the commotion, Natalia patted her chest, relieved that she and Magnus had left in time. Otherwise, they might have been trapped in the inferno.

She turned to Gabby, her gratitude apparent. "Gabby, I can't thank you enough. Your clever actions saved Magnus and me from harm. I just can’t thank you enough."

Gabby's laugh was bright and clear. "Mrs. Andersen, you're too kind. Remember when I dropped off those papers at your place? You treated me so well. If you want to thank me, just consider me your sister. I've always wanted a big sister."

Natalia chuckled. "Well, I've always wanted a little sister. It's a deal."

Magnus joined in, "With you two as sisters, I guess I won't be able to play the stern Mr. Andersen anymore."

They shared a knowing laugh, warmed by their newfound camaraderie.

The mall fire was eventually subdued by the relentless efforts of the firefighters. The arsonist, a small-time thug, was caught by the police. Frustrated by his failed extortion attempts at the mall, he'd brought gasoline, threatening to set the place ablaze if not paid. His plan was to scare them into giving him money, but the fire grew out of control.

As the crowd cheered the police for removing a menace from their community, the criminal was escorted away. Magnus and Natalia felt a sense of peace, knowing justice had been served.

"Miss Gabby," Natalia said warmly, "How about dinner at your place tomorrow? Would you honor me with an invitation?"

Gabby winked. "Aren't I your sister now? Why so formal with 'Miss?' Just call me Gabby, like my family does."

Blushing, Natalia replied, "Alright, Gabby, would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow?"

"Wouldn't miss it," Gabby said, taking Natalia's hand. "Let's get away from these fumes—they're no good for the baby."

Natalia nodded, not suspecting Gabby's familiarity might have an ulterior motive.

Magnus, preoccupied with Natalia's well-being, paid little attention to their conversation as they left the chaotic scene. He followed silently, watching the two women chat amiably.

Gabby walked Natalia to her car, bidding her goodbye, "See you tomorrow, sis."

"Absolutely," Natalia replied, watching Gabby drive away. She turned to Magnus, "You know, she's a keeper, this assistant of yours."


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