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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 460

It was supposed to be a childish outburst, but it hit Gabby and Lucius like a lightning bolt. They looked down at little Anna, and for a long moment, neither of them could find the words.

"Darling, what's wrong?" the sultry woman cooed, her fingers tracing patterns across Lucius' chest as she breathed into his ear. "Didn't you promise to love me hard? What are you waiting for? Come on!"

It was then that Lucius snapped out of his daze. He glanced at the sexy woman beside him, unable to bear the sight of Gabby's plain face any longer. He took the woman's hand and headed upstairs, no longer caring to acknowledge Gabby's presence.

With her heart heavy, Gabby clung to little Anna, watching in silence as Lucius led the glamorous woman up the stairs. The room they were heading to was the marital chamber. Gabby had tenderly arranged every detail of that room. Yet today, she had to watch as a stranger shared moments of passion with the man she loved in that very room.

Gabby's heart shattered into pieces. She bit her lip so hard it bled, and tears streamed down her face as she cried without a sound.

Anna snuggled close, wiping away Gabby's tears with a gentle touch. In a quiet voice, she said, "Mommy, don't cry. I'm not hurt, not even a little."

The young girl didn't understand why her mother was so distraught, thinking it was because Lucius had pushed her aside.

Holding the well-behaved child, Gabby sobbed uncontrollably. The angelic innocence in Anna's eyes only reminded her of the sin Gabby committed a year ago. Gabby felt she couldn’t face Anna, ashamed of the day she had taken her away from Natalia.

“Sweet Anna, it’s Mommy who should be sorry,” Gabby said through her tears, regretting the decision she made all those years ago. How could she have been so naive to believe Lucius' lies, to help him commit such wrongs? Now, she was nothing more than a discarded wife, not even worthy of being glanced at, let alone to serve him.

From upstairs, raunchy laughter and lewd words filled the air, mingled with the sounds of Lucius and the woman's intimate escapades. Gabby quickly covered Anna's ears, shielding her from the vulgarities that could taint her innocent soul.

"Uhh...I can't anymore...I’m about to come..."

"I have plenty of energy. I will take good care of you."

"You're really amazing, darling. Did you also try so hard when you were with that ugly woman downstairs?"

“You also say she is an ugly woman. I lose my appetite when I see her. How would I have the mood to be with her? I need to save my energy, lest I get drained by you, my little demon."

Lucius' cold and heartless words floated down from above, each one laced with disdain and hatred for Gabby. She could hear everything clearly from downstairs, each word piercing her heart like a thousand arrows.


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