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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 465

Natalia's heart twisted in agony as Magnus' words sank in. Her sorrow was so intense it felt like physical pain.

Magnus, seeing the instant shadow of grief cross Natalia's face, swore with unyielding determination, "Darling, I promise you, I will find our daughter. I won't let a single hair on her head be harmed!"

Tears streamed relentlessly from Natalia's eyes as she fought to suppress her deep sorrow, but the grief inside was too overwhelming, and what started as silent sobs turned into unrestrained weeping as she collapsed into Magnus' arms.

Magnus held her tenderly, kissing away the tears that clung to her cheeks. "Darling, don't be sad. I swear I'll find our little girl."

Natalia nodded, but her tears wouldn't cease.

That night, sleep eluded both Magnus and Natalia, who lay awake, staring into each other's eyes until the break of dawn. As the first light of day tinged the sky, Magnus rose from their bed. "Darling, you need rest. I'll go out and look for any news about our daughter. Trust me, we'll hear something soon."

Natalia nodded silently, bidding him farewell with a wave. Only when his footsteps faded did she finally succumb to sleep, the rising sun witnessing her grief.

Magnus mobilized every resource to find their missing child, but a month passed with no word. It was as if their little princess had vanished into thin air.

Anxiety gnawed at Magnus. The nightmare he had that ominous night haunted him. He felt a crushing pain in his chest whenever he thought of it.

Magnus was slowly driving home from the office, his mind consumed with thoughts about his daughter's whereabouts. Even if something horrible really happened to her, there should be some shred of clue left behind, right?


The mere thought sent shivers down his spine. He couldn't believe fate would be so cruel. His daughter had to be alive, perhaps suffering somewhere.

“Oh, my sweet girl, Daddy is so sorry! I'm sorry I couldn’t find you faster!”

In frustration, Magnus pounded the steering wheel before continuing the drive home.

The sinking sun bled red into the sky, mirroring Magnus' desolate heart—mournful and lost.

Upon arriving at their villa, Magnus found Natalia sitting on the sofa, staring blankly ahead, looking like a soulless shell.

Startled and fearing the worst, he rushed to her side, wrapping his arms around her frail waist. "Darling, what's wrong?" he asked gently.

Natalia turned slowly, her eyes meeting his. "Lucius... he's not dead. He's in Dubai under the name Dummy, and he's on trial for murder."


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