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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 466

With no surveillance cameras in his mansion, the identity of the person who ended the life of the deceased found there remained a mystery.

Upon investigation, police officers discovered that the victim still had traces of Lucius' DNA, notably in her throat. Subsequently, Lucius was apprehended as the prime suspect; the authorities were convinced of his significant involvement in the crime.

The cold steel of handcuffs clasped around Lucius' wrists, triggering instant regret. He never imagined his reckless actions would bury him in such a grave predicament. It had been nothing more than a wild night gone too far, and now he faced the terrifying reality of manslaughter charges.

Lucius was roughly escorted to the squad car, shouting his innocence until his voice was hoarse. He hadn't killed anyone; why were they shackling him like a criminal? But his protests only earned him a swift kick from the officers as they hauled him away from his opulent home and into a dingy cell.

The arrest of Lucius sent shockwaves through his company, causing immediate and catastrophic damage. Shareholders dumped their stocks en masse, leading to a precipitous drop in the company's value.

Overnight, Lucius, once a respected business mogul, became a vilified murderer. His company was sealed by the authorities the next day, and his stocks plummeted to worthlessness.

The scandal erupted across the Dubai headlines, and Lucius' fair-weather friends, once ever-present during his days of success, abandoned him in his hour of need.

Alone in his cell, Lucius, who went from a sharp-suited executive to a suspected killer in less than 24 hours, realized his dire situation. His once meticulously groomed appearance gave way to a stubbled face, and his company, funds, and even his mansion were now out of his reach.

In his desolation, Lucius thought of Gabby, the one person he had pushed away but who might’ve still believed in his innocence. Pleading with the indifferent officers, he begged them to find Gabby, sure that if she saw his current state, her love for him would prompt her to seek justice.

But the cold response that Gabby had disappeared without a trace and that she might have already left Dubai left Lucius weeping in regret. If only he had known, he would never have driven her away.

Meanwhile, Gabby and her daughter, Anna, were bound and gagged in the hull of a ship, leaving the shores of Dubai far behind.

The filthy and reeking belly of the boat heaved with the ocean waves, making them nauseous. Although their feet were tied, their hands were free. The kidnappers were confident that Gabby and her daughter had no chance of escaping on the vast open sea.


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