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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 476

Natalia's fingers gently combed through Magnus' hair, her voice soft and reassuring. "I know, I know all of that. But what happened just now was really just a polite hug, so can you stop with the jealousy, my dear husband?"

In the midst of his busy day, Magnus paused and looked up at Natalia. "What did you just call me? Say it again."

Her eyes twinkled like crescent moons. "I said, can we stop with the jealousy, my dear husband?"

The term of endearment was music to Magnus' ears. He playfully flipped Natalia beneath him. "My sweet wife, since it's like that, how about you take care of your dear husband? It's the first time I've heard you call me that."

"That's not true, I've called you 'hubby' before."

"Have you? Maybe I forgot about it because I was so worked up about that jerk Richard. That won't do. You need to make it up to me."

Magnus pouted playfully, teasing Natalia with a suggestive nudge. "My dear, look, it's eager to get back home."

Natalia was already acutely aware of the urgency beneath her, her face flushing red. "No, it's broad daylight, and I'm sure the walls here are paper-thin."

"Don't worry, my dear. I'll be very careful not to make you make any noise," Magnus whispered, his hands quickly working to remove Natalia's dress.

Natalia knew this man was in the mood, and there was no stopping him. Blushing, she let him have his way, trying her best to keep quiet, not to make a sound.

Outside the window, the warm sunlight poured in, casting a blush on the intimate scene within.

After their passionate encounter, they realized it was already past noon. Swayed by Natalia’s words, Magnus no longer insisted on taking Jonas away. But he pulled a fast one, insisting that Natalia leave the States with him no matter what.

Natalia argued with him for a long while, only to find herself persuaded by Magnus. She realized he was right; seeing Jonas might only weaken his resolve. It would be better to toughen him up and let him get used to challenges and grow into a soaring eagle. Besides, she had seen Jonas from afar. If she saw him up close, she couldn't guarantee she wouldn't cry and take him home. So, it was better to listen to Magnus and go with him.

Having made up Natalia’s mind, Magnus quickly packed their bags and took Natalia away from the States.

They left in a hurry, without even saying goodbye to Richard. That man, who dared covet his wife—if it wasn't for their long-standing friendship, Magnus would have given Richard a piece of his mind!

The plane carried Magnus and Natalia away, while the rigorous training at the base continued.

Jonas had that grit, falling and rising again, becoming his group’s youngest and most outstanding leader.

That day, Richard sat at the training field, pulling out a cherished portrait from his pocket, lost in its image. He remembered Natalia's gentle smile and missed her terribly. That petty man Magnus had taken her away without a word, which Richard found really rude.

While he was mentally criticizing Magnus, he called out to Jonas, who was training with a sword, "Hey, kid, come here."


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