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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 477

Gabby was clueless about the looming storm. After a long day’s toil on the farm and a meagre dinner of bread and stew, a knock at the door broke the evening silence.

It was pitch dark outside; who could be visiting at this ungodly hour? Gabby called out, "Who's there?"

"The landowner demands your presence immediately," came the terse reply from the other side.

A shiver of worry for her daughter, Anna, raced through Gabby’s spine. She swiftly opened the door. "Alright, lead the way, quickly please."

The man nodded and started guiding Gabby through the farm’s labyrinthine paths.

"Has something happened to my daughter, Anna?" Gabby asked, her voice tinged with unease.

The guide didn’t respond and only quickened his pace.

Something felt off to Gabby. This wasn’t the usual route to the landowner’s quarters. She halted and began confronting him, "Hold on, this isn't the way to the landowner's. Where are you taking me? Speak now, or I'll go no further."

The man turned back impatiently, glaring at Gabby. "Just follow, will you? Spare me the chatter, or do you fancy a whipping?"

He brandished a leather strap he was holding.

Gabby’s whole body ached at the sight. She was all too familiar with the sting of that strap, having been on the receiving end when she first arrived for work and was clumsy.

The farm had its enforcers, ready to lash out at a moment’s notice, no questions asked. Even a bad mood could justify a beating here. One had to silently endure, for human life was worth less than a dog’s in this place; the very notions of equality and freedom were a luxury.

So, when Gabby saw the strap, she didn’t ask another question and followed the man. She lowered her gaze in submission.

They arrived at an opulent mansion. Gabby wondered if the landowner indeed wanted to see her; only a few could afford such luxury here.

"Get in, the landowner is waiting!" The man snapped, gesturing with his whip.

Gabby, frightened, scurried toward the grand house.


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