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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 504

Especially this nursery, which she knew all too well. It was here that her daughter, not even an hour old, was cruelly snatched away by a heartless woman named Gabby!

Now, returning to this place, Natalia felt a sharp pain clutching at her heart. She took a silent breath and gently pushed open the nursery door.

After the previous incident where a baby was taken, the hospital tightened security in the nursery. There were now two nurses on duty at the same time. As soon as they saw Natalia, they hurried over to usher her out. "Sorry, this area is off-limits to visitors."

The hospital staff had changed since then; none of the doctors or nurses recognized Natalia.

Her face froze for a moment, and her thoughts were racing. If only they had been this vigilant back then, perhaps her daughter would never have been lost.

But she said nothing more and simply pointed to the babies inside. "Oh, my friend's child is in there. He asked me to check on his baby."

"I'm sorry, but that's against hospital policy. Unless you're accompanied by the child's parents, we can't allow any contact with the babies. Thank you for your understanding," the nurse replied apologetically.

Natalia nodded. "Understood. May I just stand outside the glass and look in for a moment, without entering?"

"Of course." The nurse pointed to the large glass window that took up half the wall. "This window is here so family members can view the babies without exposing them to harmful germs. Thank you for cooperating."

After directing Natalia, the nurse returned to the nursery, shutting the door behind her, Natalia walked up to the window. She gazed at the infants. Each one was a little cherub that seemed to have drifted down from the heavens.

As she watched their tiny feet kick, and their little hands wave, a wave of sorrow washed over her once again.

It was from this very room that her daughter was taken by the wicked Gabby.

Despite years of Natalia and her husband’s search, Gabby's whereabouts remained a mystery.

Where in the world was her daughter now? Living a carefree childhood, or wandering alone and destitute?

Feeling heavy-hearted, Natalia stole one last look at the sleeping children and then left the nursery.


In the States.

The night was eerily silent at the police station. The only sound was the gentle hum of lights casting their quiet glow onto the floor.

Moths danced silently around the lights, lulling the duty officer into drowsiness.

Suddenly, the lights flickered, plunging the station into darkness.

The heavy blackness was like a prelude to hell, awakening the prisoners who began to rattle the bars and hurl abuse in the newfound anonymity.

In the chaos, nobody noticed the faint scratching noise. It was too subtle amidst the din of whistles, curses, and repulsive gasping.

The officer on duty snapped to alertness, grabbed his baton, and stumbled through the dark, banging on the cells. "Quiet down, or you'll be in solitary come morning!"

But the noise only grew louder, more defiant.


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