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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 505

His steps were staggered, barely mustering any strength, yet Grant gritted his teeth and persevered. A nagging question demanded resolution in his mind.

The resemblance was uncanny. The twelve-year-old boy he'd seen at the police station was a spitting image of Anna! Once he got back, he'd do some digging and get to the bottom of this. If there was any connection between Anna and that whippersnapper, he'd make sure she paid for his sufferings a thousandfold!

Revenge is a dish best served cold, and Grant’s thirst for vengeance was fierce!

The moonlight was hazy, and the path underfoot was barely visible, obscured by the thick underbrush. Joseph and the others trudged through the bushes. The distant shoreline promised freedom, and with each step, their burdens seemed to lighten.

"Bark! Bark, bark!"

Suddenly, a series of fierce barks shattered the night, chilling to the bone, echoing like the howls of wolves. Joseph glanced back but saw nothing but the dense shrubbery shaking—no sign of what was behind them.

"Damn it, police dogs! If they catch us, it's all over. Move it, people! The shore's just ahead," Joseph hissed, fearful of alerting the keen-eared hounds.

Grant, caught up in the panic, cursed under his breath. Damn, they've got dogs on them now. How ruthless!

The group stumbled in their haste. The bushes rustled loudly despite their wishes for silence.

Not far behind, police dogs were hot on their trail. Jonas, calm and collected, followed the dogs. Though he couldn't see the fugitives through the brush, the dogs’ excited barks told him they were closing in.

This prison break was an insult to Jonas—a stain on his record! He'd never dealt with such vicious, cunning criminals. If they got away, they'd only wreak more havoc. No matter the cost, Jonas was determined to capture the kingpin himself and was ready to use lethal force if necessary.

The underbrush was a trampled mess, and Joseph, sweating bullets, sensed the dogs closing in. "The hell with it! Once I catch my breath, I'm gonna blow that police station sky high!" he spat on the ground, urging his crew. "Move it, we're almost at the shore!"

His men, panting and terrified, dragged Grant along. "Slow down, will ya? I'm about done in here," Grant gasped.

"Hang in there, Grant! Freedom's just ahead." Joseph didn't dare look back, moving forward. The sound of the sea was growing louder. "Hear that? The sea! Once we're on that boat, those mutts can't touch us!"

But before Grant could respond, Jonas' voice boomed from behind, "It's over! Surrender now. It's your only way out!"

Joseph glanced back. The dogs' panting was almost audible, and his eyes were filled with ferocity. “Pfft, I won’t stoop to dealing with the likes of you!”

Grant’s eyes glinted with malice. “Worst comes to worst, we go down together.”

“You vile narco thugs, there’s no redemption for you. Hell’s deepest circles await. There’s not reincarnation,” Jonas retorted coldly.


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