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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 506

Jonas' body jolted as if struck by lightning when he heard Grant mention his sister. It was something that haunted his dreams for years. His sister, whom he'd been searching for since the day she vanished without a trace, was somehow linked to this scoundrel before him.

His voice rang out, tinged with an edge of desperation. "What did you say? Tell me where she is, and I'll hold my fire... for now."

Grant, the man before him, a notorious gangster, barked out a laugh that echoed in the night air. "Oh, kid, you think I'm some greenhorn? You put down your gun, and when I spill the beans, won’t you still pop a cap in me? I won’t be taking that chance. Get me to my boat and let us sail out of here, and then, maybe, I'll sing like a canary about your precious sister."

The truth is, Grant was bluffing, throwing a desperate Hail Mary, but Jonas' reaction was all the confirmation he needed. He'd struck gold.

"No way. For all I know, you're full of it! Spill now, and I might let you die with a semblance of dignity. Otherwise, once I get my hands on you, it's curtains!" Jonas' refusal came swift and cold, his voice as chilling as an icy wind.

Grant, surprised that the young major general dared to threaten him even now, panicked and scrambled up the ship's side.


Jonas' shot rang out, and a bullet struck Grant's thigh instead of his head. Grant's body swayed, but he managed to cling to the side of the boat, narrowly avoiding a plunge into the murky depths. With his life hanging by a thread, Grant shouted, "Gabby! I know Gabby!"

The name 'Gabby' was etched deep into Jonas' soul, a name that awoke a torrent of emotions. In his dreams, he'd imagined confronting the vile creature who'd stolen his sister. Now, with Grant invoking her name, he was convinced - this vile gangster wasn't lying.

Jonas' grip on his gun faltered, his resolve wavering. Seizing the moment, Grant and his partner in crime, Joseph, clambered aboard the deck and yelled for the crew to set sail. "Move it! Let's get the hell out of here!"

The sound of their shouts alerted the distracted Jonas. He disregarded the danger and hurriedly ran towards the departing cruise ship on the sea. The officers onshore shouted, "Stop! It's too dangerous!"

But their cries couldn't sway Jonas, whose heart pounded with a singular purpose, to find his sister. He sprinted toward the now distant yacht, hope fueling his stride.

The ship's horn blew mournfully as it pulled away. The gap between Jonas and his quarry grew wider. Safe on deck, Grant allowed himself to relax. Once at sea, he was untouchable.

He thought of his triumphant return, of using Gabby as leverage against the young major general who'd dared shoot him, of repaying those bullets in kind. Grant drifted off into a fitful sleep, dreams of retribution flickering through his mind.

Thinking of this, he endured the pain in his legs, crawled on the deck, and roared at Jonas, "Little bastard, the two bullets you gave to me today, when I come back, I will definitely return them to your sister, and then cut her into eighteen pieces, and mail her to you! Hahaha! Bastard, what can you do to me? Hahaha!"

Joseph also laughed, but he didn't understand how Grant knew this young man with the rank of major general, so he curiously asked, "How do you know him? Oh, no, I should ask, how do you know his sister?"

Grant obviously didn't want to talk more about it. From now on, he had an ace up his sleeve that could threaten important military personnel. He would not leak the news to Joseph!

So, Grant casually prevaricated, "Actually, I lied to him. I didn't expect this little bastard to really believe it."


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