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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 518

Panic-stricken, Richard swiftly turned the speedboat around, intent on making a quick exit, when he caught a strange noise coming from the direction he was fleeing. The sound was distant and unclear, but it faintly resembled a human voice.

Richard immediately switched on the speedboat's floodlights and peered into the darkness. What he thought was a mere shadow in the distance, due to the gap, was actually a colossal great white shark, and what he hadn't noticed before was a tiny dinghy in front of the shadow.

Faint outlines of a person could be seen on the dinghy, frantically rowing, trying to escape the ominous pursuit of the great white.

Gathering his courage, Richard inched closer, only to confirm that the monstrous figure was indeed a great white shark, notorious for its cold-blooded reputation.

Out of about 380 species of sharks, around 30 were known to attack humans, with 9 of those being particularly vicious. The great white shark, however, was known to be the most formidable and was responsible for the majority of shark attacks on humans. It had an enormous gape filled with serrated teeth, almost ensuring serious injury or death to anything it bit.

At that moment, the great white was relentlessly snapping its massive jaws just behind the tiny dinghy attempting to escape. The person on the boat was none other than Jonas, who had left Oakwood Manor and was rowing towards the States, unaware he'd encounter a great white in the open sea.

Great whites were incredibly aggressive. Once they set their sights on a target, they did not give up easily. The shark had tried to capsize the dinghy several times, but Jonas was playing a deadly game of cat and mouse with it.

As the ferocious shark's repeatedly attacked, Jonas' heart skipped a beat, thinking his end was near. Was he about to become shark baits? However, thinking of his eagerly waiting mother, he managed to stay calm, nimbly dodging the great white's pursuits.

Even Jonas, who was both physically and mentally exceptional, began to tire after a prolonged period of rowing. His strokes slowed down as the shark gained on him. Just as hopelessness crept in, Jonas spotted a light not far ahead. His heart surged with hope, and he began to wave and shout for help, "Help! Help!"

By now, Richard was close enough to hear Jonas' cries for help and leaped with joy. He had been harboring a faint hope that the silhouette he’d seen was Jonas, and, against the odds, his gamble paid off!

Richard steadied his overwhelming excitement and shouted, "Jonas, is that you?"

The great white, losing patience, bit the dinghy into pieces, but Jonas, with his agile form, narrowly escaped the deadly teeth and plunged into the sea.

Richard, having just relaxed, was once again seized by panic. He sped towards the shark, scanning the tumultuous waves and yelling, "Jonas, where are you? Are you okay?!"

Jonas, evading the shark's pursuit, recognized Richard's voice and joyfully popped his head above water, waving at Richard on the speedboat, "Coach, I'm here!"

Richard's boat swiftly reached Jonas, and seeing him unharmed, he was overcome with ecstatic relief, "Jonas, it's really you! Thank God, I've found you at last!"

While Richard was rejoicing, Jonas had already clambered onto the speedboat, urging, "Let's get out of here. There's a shark!"


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