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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 520

"Look, just pull the records already. I'm telling you, he must’ve been harboring that vile woman, Gabby, who snatched my daughter. I need to find her," Magnus urged, striding into the police station with a mix of panic and determination.

"Your daughter? You've got a daughter, too? Man, how come you get all the good stuff? Can't you just let me have one kid? I'd help you raise them," Richard grumbled as he followed Magnus inside.

The guy had it all—a knockout wife, a genius son, and now a missing daughter. And what did Richard have? Nothing!

"If you want kids that badly, find a woman to have them with!" Magnus retorted without a hint of sympathy.

Richard pouted, "Where am I gonna find a lady like Natalia? I wish I could find a beauty like her."

"Back off! As if you could land a woman like my wife. You should be grateful if any woman gives you the time of day!" Magnus stormed into the records room, leaving Richard in a huff.

Richard, though peeved, went to fetch Grant's file for Magnus.

When Magnus found Grant's file, there was no detailed address, just a note about his background and recent activities. Finding Gabby would be like searching for a needle in a haystack.

By the time Magnus returned to the hospital, Natalia had woken up and was chatting with Jonas. The laughter and chatter between mother and son calmed Magnus' fraught nerves.

He entered the room, and as soon as he saw Natalia's improved complexion, he insisted they head back to Melfort. To their home, where she could recuperate properly.

With Jonas safe and sound, Natalia's spirits lifted significantly, and Jonas was allowed to stay home for a while before returning to school. So, that very evening, the three of them took a private jet and left the States.


Back in the UK, James arrived home from the States. He dusted off the travel weariness, only to find Angela, his wife, looking distraught and worn. "What's happened, darling? Where on earth is Vivian?" he asked, rushing over to her.

The sight of James had Angela running into his arms, sobbing, "James, Vivian's been gone for a day. We've searched the whole manor and found nothing."

James held her tight, trying to comfort her. "It’ll be okay. Vivian is smart. She'll be alright." Though he said it to soothe her, deep down, he was worried.

Vivian had never left the manor grounds, and everyone there knew her, so it was unlikely that she'd be taken elsewhere.

After consoling Angela, James headed straight for the manor's security control room. He scrutinized every camera feed, but there was no sign of Vivian leaving the premises at any point during the day.

However, the garden held a secret, a hidden passage leading directly to the royal palace. This passage was a relic from a time when the kingdom had been betrayed by foreign interests seeking petty gains. They had plotted to assassinate the former Queen. It was through this passage that the former Queen had fled for her life.

James stood at the entrance, ready to brave the passage, when Angela caught up to him. "James, you can't go in there."

"Why the hell not?" James was adamant. If his guess was right, Vivian had disappeared through this passage.

"No one but the reigning Queen is permitted through," Angela explained, her voice laced with unease.

"To hell with that! I need to find Vivian!" Ignoring Angela, James marched into the passage.

Left with no choice, Angela followed. Inside, a foul stench permeated the air, but James pressed on without hesitation.


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