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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 525

Natalia froze, her mind racing with confusion. Just moments before, when she had left the room, Rowell had been his usual self. What on earth had happened in her short absence?

Before she could sort through her thoughts, Lydia was at her side, leaping like a panther, fingers clawing for Natalia's collar. "It had to be you! You must've pressured the Duke into signing that will, and when he refused, you did him in! I'll knock your lights out, you wench!"

Magnus stepped in swiftly, batting Lydia's accusing hand away with a stern glare. "Watch your tongue, and keep your hands to yourself. Lay another finger on my wife, and I'll chop those claws right off!"

Lydia nearly toppled over from Magnus' push, her eyes turning to the Queen with a pitiful gaze. "Your Majesty, please, we beg you to stand up for us poor souls! This heartless illegitimate child has returned only to orchestrate the Duke's demise, and now her husband is threatening me. Oh, woe is me! Why must my life be filled with such torment?"

Magnus scowled deeply. If he had known that such a catastrophe would unfold, he would've never allowed Natalia to come and bid Rowell farewell. Now Rowell was dead, his body turned a strange color, and Natalia and Magnus were the last to have seen him alive. They couldn't possibly escape the implications of this affair.

Just as Magnus had predicted, Lydia, unable to contain her rage, pointed an accusing finger at Natalia. "You, you illegitimate daughter! Your damned mother ensnared my husband years ago, and now you've come to finish off what she started. What did I ever do in a past life to deserve such misery from you and your family? Give me back my husband's life!"

Rowell's scandalous escapades were no secret, so the nobles who had accompanied the Queen showed no sign of surprise at Lydia's outburst.

Natalia's eyes, however, brimmed with tears. She remembered her mother's humiliation and turned a steely gaze upon Lydia. "You can insult me all you want, but you will not slander my mother!"

"Slander? Pah!" Lydia spat, lunging toward Natalia again, only to be frozen in place by the Queen's authoritative look. "Enough! The Earl Rowell's body is barely cold, and here you are creating a spectacle. Where is your dignity?"

Lydia, visibly shaken, stammered her plea to the Queen. "Your Majesty, I'm simply overcome with grief, which has led to my erratic behavior. I implore you, on behalf of the McKinney family, to deliver us justice."

Alice raced out from the other room, collapsing at the Queen's feet. "Your Majesty, you must avenge my father! Oh, his end was so tragic!"

With all eyes upon her, the Queen, despite her fondness for Natalia, could not openly defend her in this situation. She addressed Natalia with a grave tone. "Ms. Natalia, I do indeed admire your talent, but given your possible connection to Earl Rowell's death, I must ask you to cooperate with the investigation. Do you object?"

Natalia shook her head. "Not at all. I hope for a swift inquiry into my father's death to clear my name and seek justice on my behalf."

In her heart, Natalia resolved that the truth would come to light, and when it did, she would take the reins of the McKinney estate, settling scores with Lydia once and for all.

Magnus, who had been about to speak up, was silenced by a tug on his sleeve from Natalia. Ever the obedient husband, he fell silent and followed the guards with Natalia to a room in the McKinney Castle, where they were to be confined.

Once in the room, Magnus finally voiced his confusion. "Darling, you know they're framing you. Why didn't you defend yourself?"


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