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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 526

Rowell's lifeless form lay on the cold slab. The coroner's careful examination concluded he had been poisoned mere moments before the Queen's arrival. Indeed, Rowell had left this world before her majesty had set foot in his abode. Only Natalia’s clan had visited at that time, casting a shadow of suspicion upon Natalia.

The poison was peculiar, only present on the surface of Rowell's body. His organs had been ravaged by cancer, and it seemed Rowell was very much alive before the poison claimed him. His lips were tinged with black, and his flesh was a sickly brown. The toxin was potent, the kind that killed upon contact.

The coroner, having completed his assessment, went to report to the Queen, "Your Majesty, the Duke indeed perished from poison, a half-hour ago."

The Queen closed her eyes, her heart refusing to believe Natalia was capable of murder. Natalia was kindness and grace personified. How could she be the culprit? Yet all evidence pointed to Natalia as Rowell's executioner. No others had entered Rowell's chambers prior.

The Queen then ordered Natalia to be confined within the royal dungeon, pending further investigation.

Magnus was incensed, but Natalia halted his fury. "Darling, fear not, I did not end the Duke's life. The innocent have nothing to fear. I shall be free soon."

Magnus knew Natalia's spirit; she would not rest until her name was cleared. He watched helplessly as Natalia was taken away.

In the past, he would never have allowed her to be taken, but Jonas, tugging at his sleeve, said, "Daddy, don't worry, I have a plan. Mommy will be free soon."

Magnus looked down at Jonas, whose eyes sparkled with a wise light. "Trust me, by tomorrow, justice will be served."

With those words, Jonas left.

As night fell, Rowell's body was encased in a casket in the grand hallway. The servants and guards tasked with the vigil, slowly succumbed to sleep at the door. At that moment, Alice tiptoed in, kneeling before Rowell's coffin, tears streaming. "Father, I am here."

She glanced around, ensuring solitude. Approaching the casket, she peered at Rowell's charred visage.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she averted her gaze, swallowing her fear. "Father, forgive me. It's all my fault. Please don't blame me!"

A sudden clang echoed in the room, shaking Alice to her core. She collapsed to her knees. "Father, I know you must despise me, but I had no choice. You left everything to that bitch, leaving Mother and me destitute. Were we to grovel at her feet?"

A muffled cough pierced the silence, sending chills down Alice's spine. She bowed her head, "Father, it was Mother's instruction! She said if the castle and estate passed to Natalia, we'd be homeless. I refuse to lose my noble standing, to wander the streets like commoners! I was born a princess within these walls!"

"Cough, cough!" The coughing persisted, closer now.


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