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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 529

The family of three had frolicked by the seaside all day, their hearts still yearning for more as they reluctantly prepared to head home.

Walking hand in hand, with Jonas sandwiched between Natalia and Magnus, a curious question bubbled up from Jonas. “Mommy, I heard Uncle Hector just welcomed twins. Can we go see them?”

“Of course, sweetie. When would you like to go?” Natalia asked softly.

“Anytime’s good. Maybe we could swing by on our way home, please?”

“Sure thing.”

The setting sun cast its golden glow down the slope, stretching the family’s shadows long across the sand, and painting a picture of simple bliss.


At the Hector’s home.

Ever since the arrival of the twins, Hector felt his world had turned into a never-ending night, as if he’d spilled the contents of Pandora’s Box all over his once orderly life. Despite having a nanny specifically for the kids, he was still run ragged. His days revolved around the babies, with Bianca orchestrating the chaos, leaving him no chance for a tender moment alone with her.

Whenever he attempted closeness, barely managing a flirtatious touch, the twins’ earth-shattering cries would disrupt all plans. Even if he were on the brink of success, Bianca would, without fail, push him aside and rush to the wailing babies, offering them her comforting embrace and sustenance.

Hector would watch, filled with a mix of longing and irritation, resenting the fact that these little rascals had invaded his exclusive territory.

Now, sitting there engulfed in his suppressed envy, he watched Bianca nurse with such tenderness. His eyes were glued to the baby, who with eager little hands was exploring what once only belonged to him. Bianca, engrossed in feeding, caught his disgruntled look and couldn’t help but chuckle, “Look at you, such a silly goose.”

Hector, feigning righteousness, playfully jabbed at her tits. “This is mine!”

Yet the moment his hand neared, the suckling baby burst into tears, as if fearing the loss of its precious meal. With a sigh of defeat, Hector raised his hands in surrender. “Alright, alright, you're the boss. You first.” He mumbled, “Once you fall asleep, I’m gonna...”

Bianca caught his grumbling and blushed at his words. “Honey, what nonsense are you muttering?”

Scratching his head, Hector feigned innocence. “Hmm? Nothing at all. Keep going, love.”

Shaking her head at his antics, Bianca continued her motherly duties. Soon enough, she lulled one child to sleep, only for the other to wake and reach for her with hungry grunts.

Despite the challenges, Bianca was determined to breastfeed, even as her body testified to the demanding task with a certain voluptuousness that left Hector parched with desire. He stayed put, watching intently, waiting for the moment when both little rascals would finally succumb to sleep.


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