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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 537

Natalia stared back at Alice without a hint of fear. "Do whatever you want. Alive or dead, there's no difference to me now."

"Really? Natalia, I'm not just going to make you wait for death in despair, I'm going to make sure you watch me take over your life. Your devoted husband, Magnus, and your sweet little boy, Jonas, they'll all be mine! And you? You'll have nothing to do but watch in despair. That's my grand ambition for you!"

"No!" Panic seized Natalia. "You can't do this! Alice, if there's any bitterness in your heart towards me, then end it quickly. Kill me! But please, don't hurt my husband and my son!"

"Hurt them?" Alice's eyes gleamed with satisfaction at the fear in Natalia's eyes. "Why would I hurt them? Natalia, I'm going to become you, and take over your entire life. And you, you'll just wait to die alone on some deserted island!"

With that, Alice started the yacht's engine and steered into the vastness of the open sea.

Natalia watched Alice's descent into madness, pleading with her not to let hatred cloud her heart, begging her not to commit such lunacy. It would ruin Alice’s life!

But how could Alice listen to Natalia's words now? Her heart was filled with the thrill of revenge and the joy of replacing Natalia, and she continued towards the isolated island she had scouted long ago.

With its jagged rocks and sparse palm and banana trees, that island would ensure Natalia wouldn't starve but would have to live helplessly as Alice usurped her happiness.

The thought of this made Alice's body tremble with excitement. All the happiness and all the glory would be hers! Alice was the one destined to be the little princess favored by the heavens, not Natalia!

The yacht cut through the waves, passing unknown islands until it reached a rugged isle. There, Alice dumped Natalia, leaving her bound and stranded as she sailed away.

Natalia collapsed, the ropes still binding her. She wriggled forward, inch by inch, searching for a sharp rock to cut the ropes that ensnared her.

The sun blazed hotter, and it took all of Natalia's strength to move just a few feet. Despite her weakness, the thought of Magnus, unaware of her disappearance, filled her with renewed energy to keep moving. Finally, finding a rock sharp enough, she sawed at the ropes as the sun began its descent. Natalia’s throat parched, and her body was drenched in sweat as she struggled to free herself.

Meanwhile, Alice had shed her alias and meticulously transformed into Natalia's image, eagerly awaiting Magnus’ return.

By day, she had played the dutiful maid; by night, she practiced Natalia's mannerisms and speech. Now she was ready, having memorized Natalia's every feature.

She had planned to sell Natalia to some seedy underground club, to let her taste the humiliation she had once endured. But discovering that Natalia suffered from a debilitating illness meant that Alice could watch Natalia slowly succumb to fear and pain, an even sweeter revenge.

Dusk fell, and headlights approached. Alice's lips curled into a smile. Magnus was home.


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